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2003/10/231 Proposal for ARDG 2003/10/22 Kenwood Corporation.

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Presentation on theme: "2003/10/231 Proposal for ARDG 2003/10/22 Kenwood Corporation."— Presentation transcript:

1 2003/10/231 Proposal for ARDG 2003/10/22 Kenwood Corporation

2 2003/10/232 Protection methods for copyrighted contents Confirmation of our situations Restriction by Legislation This makes to increase Compliant devices Protection by technology 1) Transmission of a copyright information a) Analogue signal: There are chances to be cheat or delete the status. b) Digital signal : If encryption scheme is used, this is a sufficient reliable signal. 2) Restriction scheme Playback control and recording control a) Analogue transmission: Non-compliant devices can ignore the status. b) Digital format: Encryption methods clear out non-compliant devices Education of user

3 2003/10/233 What we can do by analogue signal Restriction to non-compliant devices There is no way to restrict non-compliant devices by the analogue signal. Analogue signal can be recorded or played anytime by non-compliant devices. Transmission method of the copyright information Case 1 : There are compliant devices only in the world We don’t need to protect the copyright information. Case 2 : There are non-compliant devices which try to change the information We should transmit the copyright information with indelible and unchangeable signal. What we can do is 1) We can make Compliant devices to reject illegal copied contents 2) We should provide a scheme to keep copyright information to the right condition, even contents are transmitted through non-compliant devices.

4 2003/10/234 Protection by analogue signal Compliant Device Non Compliant Non Compliant world Analogue signal × × × × × × × × スライド 8 Non Compliant ×

5 2003/10/235 When Watermark is used Capability It would be the best way to convey the copyright information with indelible and unchangeable way. If copyright status is Never copy It will be perfect to be performed by compliant devices. All of compliant devices do not copy Never copy contents. Non-compliant devices can not affect to this status. スライド 6 スライド 6 If we need the status of One generation copy permitted Current idea - The original content marked One Generation Copy may be copied and the Watermark is remarked to No More Copy status. - A recorder should not copy the content marked No More copy. This idea needs Watermark remarking. This is a big problem. スライド 7 スライド 7

6 2003/10/236 Tuner (STB) D-A Wn TV Internet Wn Non Compliant PC A-D Wn HDD Compliant Recorder Non Compliant PC Wn HDD D-A Broadcaster Never Copy in Watermark Wn Broadcast contents with Never Copy only Non Compliant Player Wn Non Compliant Recorder Wn Compliant Recorder Wn × × × Non-compliant world Wn

7 2003/10/237 Tuner (STB) D-A Wo TV One Generation Copy in Watermark Compliant Recorder Wn TV × Broadcaster Copy Once in Watermark Wo Compliant Recorder Wo Wn Wn Compliant Player Wn Wo Broadcast contents with One Generation Copy (Watermark remarking)

8 2003/10/238 Tuner (STB) D-A Wo TV One Generation Copy in Watermark Internet Wo Compliant D. Recorder Wn TV × Non Compliant PC A-D Wo HDD Non Compliant PC Wo HDD D-A Broadcaster One Generation Copy in Watermark Wo Compliant Recorder Wo Wn Wn Compliant Recorder Wo Wn Wn One Generation Copy (Circumvention Path) Watermark remarking Non Compliant Player Wo Non Compliant Recorder Wo Compliant Recorder Wo Wn Wn Compliant Player Wn Wo This is a big security hole. Non-Compliant world スライド 14 Protection by analogue signal

9 2003/10/239 Our proposal Purpose Plug the security hole caused by One Generation Copy status. Our scheme realize Copy One Generation status not to be cheated by non compliant devices. Basic technology of our scheme 1. If we want that CCI should not be changed by non-compliant devices, We propose to use Watermark technology. A Time code T is used to define copyright status. The Time Code T is conveyed by a payload of the Watermark The Time code T is set by a content provider. Present time t is generated in the recorder. CCI is calculated by comparing T and t. 2. If we don’t need to protect CCI, there is another solution. Never Copy O G C

10 2003/10/2310 Copyright status Never copy : T is older than t When Broadcaster broadcast a content time code T is set past time One Generation Copy : T = To To : broadcasting time No More Copy : T is older than t The content is broadcasted at T. Time limited copy : T is set to future time T is closing day,(time) which can be copied.

11 2003/10/2311 Operation of the proposed technology (In case of broadcast contents which use WM) Broadcaster sets the Time code T in the Watermark Tuner transmit the received signal to analogue output as it is. A recorder read the Time code T in the Watermark. The recorder implements a clock as G.M.T. The recorder compare T and t which is inner clock time If the Time code T is the same as current time t, Recorder may record the content. If the Time code T is older than current time t, Recorder should not record the content.

12 2003/10/2312 Tuner (STB) D-A WTWT TV Never Copy in Watermark Broadcaster Copy Never in Watermark WTWT WTWT WTWT Data transmission control by our proposal (Never Copy) Compliant Recorder WM T < t Clock t At × T: Past time t = Present time × T < t

13 2003/10/2313 Tuner (STB) D-A WTWT TV WTWT × Broadcaster Copy Once in Watermark WTWT WTWT Compliant Player WTWT Data transmission control by our proposal (One Generation Copy permitted) WTWT Compliant Recorder WM T < t 2 Clock t 2 At × T: Present time of broadcasting Compliant Recorder WM T = t 1 Clock t 1 t 1 = Present time of recording WTWT t 2 = Present time of recording T = t

14 2003/10/2314 Compliant Recorder WM T≠ t 2 Tuner (STB) D-A WTWT TV Copy Once in Watermark Internet WTWT WTWT TV × Non Compliant PC A-D WTWT HDD Non Compliant PC WTWT HDD D-A Broadcaster One Generation Copy in Watermark WTWT WTWT Non Compliant Player WTWT Non Compliant D. Recorder WTWT Compliant Player WTWT WTWT WTWT Circumvention path against our proposal Compliant Recorder WM T = t 1 Clock t 1 WTWT WTWT × × Clock t 2 Compliant Recorder WM T≠ t 2 Clock t 2 × WTWT Compliant Recorder WM T < t 2 Clock t 2 WTWT × Non-Compliant world Plug security hole WTWT × スライド 8

15 2003/10/2315 Requirement of our scheme on the WM Broadcast station : set the Time code in the Watermark Payload of Watermark : Bit length is no more than 30 bit One example is 21 bit. Year : 7 bit + Month : 4 bit + Day : 5 bit + hour : 5 bit Digital Recorder Watermark checking : Check existence and read Time Code T. Implement world clock : not changeable by user (Manufacture setting clock) Compare time T and t : T on the Watermark and t from world clock. Restriction of recording: If T = t within defined range, then record the content. If T < t then refuse the recording. Tuner or STB: There is no requirement for analogue output. Transmit broadcast data as it is.

16 2003/10/2316 Other applicable system CGMS-A If we don’t need to transmit CCI with indelible and unchangeable signal, Time code T can be conveyed by CGMS-A. Method to adapt our scheme to CGMS-A Write the time code T on the reserved area. Merit of the system Plug the security hole caused by One Generation Copy status. Low cost to implement

17 2003/10/2317 Remaining issue Select the conveyer Set the tolerance of time ‘t’ generated in a recorder Define a payload of conveyer Decide the Bit length and arrangement of time code ‘T’ Decide copy control statuses Select the method to realize a robust and accurate clock. Design of total protection scheme

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