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Published byKristopher Craig Modified over 9 years ago
Student Achievement Dashboard Training
Objectives ●PWBAT understand the purpose for using the dashboard to analyze student achievement ●PWBAT understand the concepts and metrics used in the dashboard ●PWBAT know how to use the dashboard
Purpose & Functions Purpose - To inform school and district leadership about the performance and growth of students Questions We Sought to Answer ●Proficiency o How did each school/grade perform? o Which schools/grades have the highest/lowest proficiency? ●Growth o What was the growth for each school/grade? o Which schools/grades have the highest/lowest growth?...this is a new way of thinking about our data!
Metrics ●Proficiency ●Median Percentile Rank ●Student Growth Percentile ●Quartiles
Methodology ●We grouped all students in the district that have the same test for the previous year (2013) and the current year (2014). ●Only students with BOTH scores AND who are promoted are included in each dataset. ●For each group, we converted the FCAT/EOC scale score to a percentile rank. Quick Tutorial on Percentiles A percentile is a measure that indicates the percent of a distribution that is equal to or below it. For example, let’s say Lara scored at the 12th percentile on a test. This means that she performed better than 12% of all other students who took the test. And let’s say Marcus scored at the 79th percentile. This means that he scored better than 79% of the other students who took the test.
Groups & Counts Reading 20132014# of Students Grade 325,313 Grade 3Grade 423,298 Grade 4Grade 523,970 Grade 5Grade 623,503 Grade 6Grade 724,212 Grade 7Grade 824,979 Grade 8Grade 924,257 Grade 9Grade 1024,093 Math 20132014# of Students Grade 325,301 Grade 3Grade 423,298 Grade 4Grade 523,928 Grade 5Grade 623,377 Grade 6Grade 720,852 Grade 6Grade 7 Alg3,357 Grade 7Grade 813,502 Grade 7Grade 8 Alg8,946 Grade 7 AlgGrade 8 Geo2,349 Grade 8Grade 9 Alg14,494 Grade 8 AlgGrade 9 Geo6,797 Grade 9 AlgGrade 10 Geo16,311
Proficiency First, and foremost, we are most concerned with proficiency. We want more of our students to be able to read and do math proficiently.
Example: Let’s say there are 85 students that have a 2014 FCAT Grade 4 score (current year) AND a 2013 FCAT Grade 3 score (previous year). In 2013, 43% of these students passed the 3rd grade test. But in 2014, 48% (of these same 85 kids) passed the 4th grade test. These proficiency rates exclude students that do not have BOTH scores. We are NOT comparing “this year’s 4th grade students” to “last year’s 4th grade students.” We are comparing “this year’s 4th grade students” to “how they did in 3rd grade (the previous year).” Grade 3 does NOT have a prior year test, and as a result, this group is NOT included in the “All” totals for 2013 and 2014.
Proficiency Example: Let’s say there are 41 8th grade students that have a 2014 Algebra 1 EOC score (current year) AND a 2013 FCAT Grade 7 score (previous year). In 2013, all of these students passed the FCAT Math Grade 7 test. But in 2014, only 92% (of these same 41 kids) passed the Algebra 1 EOC. These proficiency rates exclude students that do not have BOTH scores.
Growth While important, proficiency rates don’t tell the whole story about what is happening at a school. Many of our students start well below grade level, so in order to catch them up, we need for them to make growth. Growth metrics account for where a group of students started the year (proficiency rates alone don’t do this). Three growth metrics: ●Change in median percentile rank ●Student Growth Percentiles ●Quartiles
Growth Example Students Aaron Alesiah Anna Carlos Christopher Darryl Dontavius Eric Jacqueline Kevin Leah Tamara Let’s take a look at a group of 12 students. In this example, these students took the FCAT Reading Grade 6 test in 2013 and the FCAT Reading Grade 7 test in 2014.
Percentile Rank (Prior Yr.) 2013 FCAT Grade 6 StudentFCAT Scale Score FCAT Percentile Aaron21124 Alesiah23260 Anna21124 Carlos1773 Christopher20416 Darryl21733 Dontavius24582 Eric22648 Jacqueline19610 Kevin1670 Leah22038 Tamara1918 Anna’s score of 211 puts her in the 24th percentile (she performed better than 24% of all students who took this test). Dontavius’ score of 245 puts him in the 82nd percentile (he did better than 82% of all students who took this test). Each student’s FCAT/EOC scale score is converted into a percentile. In this example, the scale scores are compared against all 24,212 students in this group.
Median Percentile Rank (Prior Yr.) 2013 FCAT Grade 6 StudentFCAT Scale Score FCAT Percentile Dontavius24582 Alesiah23260 Eric22648 Leah22038 Darryl21733 Aaron21124 Anna21124 Christopher20416 Jacqueline19610 Tamara1918 Carlos1773 Kevin1670 Median21124 We sorted the list of 2013 Grade 6 scores and found the median. The median FCAT scale score is 211, which corresponds to a median percentile of 24. This means that half of the students in this group scored above the 24th percentile and half scored below.
Percentile Rank (Current Year) 2014 FCAT Grade 7 StudentFCAT Scale Score FCAT Percentile Aaron22434 Alesiah24571 Anna21521 Carlos1977 Christopher2019 Darryl22129 Dontavius25888 Eric23555 Jacqueline20411 Kevin1863 Leah22943 Tamara22331 Here are the scores for these same 12 students on the 2014 FCAT Grade 7 test (the next year). Again, each scale score is converted into a percentile based on how the student did compared to the 24,212 MDCPS students in their reference group.
Median Percentile Rank (Current Yr.) 2014 FCAT Grade 7 StudentFCAT Scale Score FCAT Percentile Dontavius25888 Alesiah24571 Eric23555 Leah22943 Aaron22434 Tamara22331 Darryl22129 Anna21521 Jacqueline20411 Christopher2019 Carlos1977 Kevin1863 Median22230 With the 2014 Grade 7 scores, we sorted the list and found the median. The median FCAT scale score is 222, which corresponds to a median percentile of 30. This means that half of the students in this group scored above the 30th percentile and half scored below on this test.
Change in Median Percentiles 2013 FCAT Grade 6 StudentFCAT Scale Score FCAT Percentile Aaron21124 Alesiah23260 Anna21124 Carlos1773 Christopher20416 Darryl21733 Dontavius24582 Eric22648 Jacqueline19610 Kevin1670 Leah22038 Tamara1918 Median2224 2014 FCAT Grade 7 FCAT Scale Score FCAT Percentile 22434 24571 21521 1977 2019 22129 25888 23555 20411 1863 22943 22331 30 Now we can compare the median percentile from the previous year (grade 6) to the current year (grade 7). In this example, the median percentile increased from 24 to 30.
Bubble Chart (24, 30) We can plot the point on a graph, where the horizontal axis is the median percentile rank of the previous year and the vertical axis is the median percentile rank of the current year.
Bubble Chart * Each bubble represents a school or grade. * Bubble size is proportional to the number of students. The diagonal line represents performance in which the median score for the current year was the same as the median score for the previous year. Bubbles centered above the line represent groups of students whose median percentile rank INCREASED from the previous year. Bubbles centered below the line represent groups of students whose median percentile rank DECREASED from the previous year.
Student Growth Percentiles We discussed the performance of our middle student, but how did each student do when compared to other students with similar scores? To answer this question, we calculate a Student Growth Percentile for each student. Let’s use Aaron as an example...
Student Growth Percentiles (SGP) 2013 FCAT Grade 6 StudentFCAT Scale Score FCAT Percentile Aaron21124 2014 FCAT Grade 7 FCAT Scale Score FCAT Percentile 22434 Aaron received a scale score of 211 on the 2013 FCAT Grade 6 test. The scale score is at the 24th percentile, which means that Aaron scored better than 24% of all students who took the test (and worse than 76%). In 2014, Aaron took the FCAT Grade 7 test and received a scale score of 224. This scale score is at the 34th percentile, which means that he did better than 34% of all students who took this test. His percentile rank in 2014 improved, but it is still on the lower end of achievement. So how did Aaron do compared to where he started? To calculate this, we look at his “academic peers,” which consist of all other students in the district with a similar score the prior year.
Student Growth Percentiles 200 283 167 175 225 275 250 24,212 total students 211 Out of the 24,212 students that took the 2013 FCAT Reading Grade 6 test, 400 students scored a 211 and Aaron is one of them. These students constitute Aaron’s “academic peers.” 2013 FCAT Reading Grade 6 200 289 171 175 225 275 250 400 total students in Aaron’s “Academic Peer” group 2014 FCAT Reading Grade 7 On the 2014 FCAT Reading Grade 7 test, Aaron scored a 224. Other students have different scores - 171, 193, 209, 238, 260, etc. Compared to all students in his academic peer group, Aaron’s score of 224 was better than 64% of them. So Aaron’s Student Growth Percentile is 64. Aaron 224
Student Growth Percentiles We calculate a Student Growth Percentile for EACH student. Here are the SGPs for Dontavius and Kevin...
Student Growth Percentiles 200 283 167 175 225 275 250 24,212 total students 245 Out of the 24,212 students that took the 2013 FCAT Reading Grade 6 test, 325 students scored a 245 and Dontavius is one of them. These students constitute Dontavius’ “academic peers.” 2013 FCAT Reading Grade 6 200 289 171 175 225 275 250 325 total students in Dontavius’ “Academic Peer” group 2014 FCAT Reading Grade 7 On the 2014 FCAT Reading Grade 7 test, Dontavius scored a 258. Other students have different scores - 201, 216, 244, 280, etc. Compared to all students in his academic peer group, Dontavius’ score of 258 was better than 73% of them. So Dontavius’ Student Growth Percentile is 73. 258 Dontavius
Student Growth Percentiles 200 283 167 175 225 275 250 24,212 total students 245 Out of the 24,212 students that took the 2013 FCAT Reading Grade 6 test, 480 students scored a 167 and Kevin is one of them. These students constitute Kevin’s “academic peers.” 2013 FCAT Reading Grade 6 200 289 171 175 225 275 250 480 total students in Kevin’s “Academic Peer” group 2014 FCAT Reading Grade 7 On the 2014 FCAT Reading Grade 7 test, Kevin scored a 186. Other students have different scores - 171, 191, 199, 205, 226, etc. Compared to all students in his academic peer group, Kevin’s score of 186 was better than 38% of them. So Kevin’s Student Growth Percentile is 38. 186 Kevin
Student Growth Percentiles (SGP) Student Aaron Alesiah Anna Carlos Christopher Darryl Dontavius Eric Jacqueline Kevin Leah Tamara Student Growth Percentile 64 74 33 60 16 34 73 56 38 58 85 Each student has a Student Growth Percentile that is based on how they performed in relation to their own academic peer group. We just calculated the SGPs for Aaron, Dontavius, and Kevin.
Median SGP Student Growth Percentile 85 74 73 64 60 58 56 38 34 33 16 Student Tamara Alesiah Dontavius Aaron Carlos Leah Eric Jacqueline Kevin Darryl Anna Christopher For each group (e.g., school or grade), we calculate a “Median Student Growth Percentile” by taking the median of the SGPs. In this example, the Median Student Growth Percentile is 57. This means that half of the students have a SGP above 57 and half have a SGP below. Larger median SGPs indicate higher rates of growth across the distribution of scores. Smaller median SGPs indicate lower rates of growth across the distribution. The district median SGP is 48.
Sample School All 5 4 Median Percentile Rank GrSize20132014 4613846 5 3627 All10738 For this elementary school, the median percentile rank for the 61 4th grade students increased 8 percentile points, which is why the bubble is positioned above the line. The median percentile rank for the 5th grade students decreased, which is why the 5th grade bubble is below the line. Combining both grades, the median percentile rank for all 107 students was unchanged. Clearly, 5th grade is the relative priority.
Sample School Median Percentile Rank GrSize20132014Median SGP 461384653 546362730 All10738 41 Keeping the bubbles positioned as they are, we can add the “Median Student Growth Percentile” metric to the graph as the bubble color. Remember, this is a DIFFERENT metric than the median percentile rank metric. For 4th grade, the Median SGP of 53 indicates that half of these 61 students have a SGP below 53 and half have an SGP above 53. For 5th grade, the Median SGP of 30 indicates that half of these 46 students have a SGP below 30 and half have an SGP above 30.
5th Grade (All Schools) ReadingMath
Quartiles 2013 FCAT Grade 6 StudentFCAT Scale Score FCAT Percentile Dontavius24582 Alesiah23260 Eric22648 Leah22038 Darryl21733 Aaron21124 Anna21124 Christopher20416 Jacqueline19610 Tamara1918 Carlos1773 Kevin1670 2014 FCAT Grade 7 StudentFCAT Scale Score FCAT Percentile Dontavius25888 Alesiah24571 Eric23555 Leah22943 Aaron22434 Tamara22331 Darryl22129 Anna21521 Jacqueline20411 Christopher2019 Carlos1977 Kevin1863 Q3 = 43 Q2 = 24 Q1 = 9 Q3 = 49 Q2 = 30 Q1 = 10
On the 2013 FCAT Grade 6 test...On the 2014 FCAT Grade 7 test......25% of students had a percentile rank between 43 and 100....25% of students had a percentile rank between 24 and 43....25% of students had a percentile rank between 9 and 24. 25% of students had a percentile rank between 0 and 9....25% of students had a percentile rank between 49 and 100....25% of students had a percentile rank between 30 and 49....25% of students had a percentile rank between 10 and 30....25% of students had a percentile rank between 0 and 10.
Review of Metrics Proficiency ●Criterion-referenced metric Growth ●Norm-referenced metrics ●Students in a particular group are compared against all other students in that group (e.g., all other 24,000 MDCPS students that have a 5th grade score AND a 4th grade score for the previous year)
District-Wide (for each grouping) MDCPS Because the median percentile rank is a norm-referenced metric, for each group (e.g. 4th grade to 5th grade students), the median percentile rank for all MDCPS students in that group is approximately 50 for the prior year and 50 for the current year. So if we plotted a bubble for the district, it would be centered around (50, 50). And the bubble would be huge because it represents 24,000 students. Similarly, the median Student Growth Percentile for the district is 48. This means that about half of the students in a group have a SGP above 48 and half have a SGP below 48. For this reason, the district’s bubble is white (not a shade of green or red). Again, norm-referenced metrics compare a large group of students to each other.
District-Wide (for each grouping) On the 2013 test... And on the 2014 test......25% of students had a percentile rank between 75 and 100. This is the 4th quartile....25% of students had a percentile rank between 50 and 75. This is the 3rd quartile....25% of students had a percentile rank between 25 and 50. This is the 2nd quartile. 25% of students had a percentile rank between 0 and 25. This is the 1st quartile. Because the district is the reference group and we calculated the percentile ranks compared to our MDCPS students, it makes sense that approx. 25% of the students in the group are in each quartile for both years. So if there are 24,000 students in a grouping (remember this grouping only contains students with BOTH scores), approximately 6,000 students would be in each quartile: * 6,000 students would have a percentile rank between 0 and 25 * 6,000 students would have a percentile rank between 25 and 50 * 6,000 students would have a percentile rank between 50 and 75 * 6,000 students would have a percentile rank between 75 and 100
Example Dashboard
Interesting Case
Questions ? ? ? ? ?
Extra ●Helpful video from Georgia about SGPsHelpful video from Georgia about SGPs
Bubble Chart w/ Median SGPs The median Student Growth Percentiles (SGPs) are displayed as the bubble color. Entities with lower median SGPs are red and entities with higher median SGPs are green.
Quartiles 200 225 260 250 2013 FCAT Reading Grade 3 2014 FCAT Reading Grade 4 150 175 200 225 269 250 154 175 140 155 175 180 255 140
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