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How did Humans directly impact their Environment Talent 21 2012 By: Diane Vargas.

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Presentation on theme: "How did Humans directly impact their Environment Talent 21 2012 By: Diane Vargas."— Presentation transcript:

1 How did Humans directly impact their Environment Talent 21 2012 By: Diane Vargas

2 Hello my name is Diane Vargas and this is my talent 21 project. I am going to show you what humans did back then to impact their environment. I hope you learn a lot and I also hope you enjoy it. Introduction

3 After Glacier Age Now glacier age is getting ruined because of the global warming Polar bears are getting endangered because of ice melting. preserve bits of atmosphere in small air bubbles.

4 Early man They migrate from one place to another. Hunters and gatherers served by hunting animals a gathering food. They were Homo habilis Homo erectus

5 Early farmers burning tress mixing it with soil and making fertile soil. They hunted animals They used slash and burn to cut down trees. The fire could cause pollution

6 Mesopotamia To make bronze they melted cooper and tin together Found ways to plow and plant They invented wheels, cay tablets called almanacs, they also made a calendar using 360 days they also made many more things. There is another place called southern Mesopotamia and it is made up of hills and plains.

7 Egypt They cut down tress to make fire. They built irrigation ditches and dames They did a lot of mining gold and copper by dinging holes they cut down reeds that where places for animals the trade made cultures pollution grow

8 Greece Greece impacted They are harvers Had a lot of mountains They invited medicine and Geometry They used great deal due to the need for extra land and the hills

9 Rome Had 45,000 blocks of apartment buildings/ some were 4 to 5 stories tall They invented roads Kids used writing tablets, blocks of wax They had jars to keep their styluses (like art pencils)

10 Conclusion I hope you enjoyed my power point ad learned a lot from it. These was how people back then impacted their environment and had a bad life by all the waste they did. I learned a lot of things from each place the best one I learned from all of them was that after glacier age preserve bits of atmosphere into a small air bubbles. I hope you enjoyed it.

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