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Reasons to Read and Listen Coordinator Retreat 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Reasons to Read and Listen Coordinator Retreat 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reasons to Read and Listen Coordinator Retreat 2012

2 Warm-up (Individually - 2 min.) For a typical listening and reading activity: 1)When do you check their comprehension? 2)How do you check their comprehension? How do you know if they answered correctly?

3 Predicting the Pattern (Pairwork - 2 min.) 1.Activate Prior Knowledge 2.______________ 3.Check comprehension 4.Ask a specific question 5.______________ 6.Ask an abstract question(s) 7.______________ 8.Post-activities

4 Modeling the Pattern Show me you’re ready to listen!

5 Reason #1 for Listening Is the singer rich or poor?. CCQ

6 Reason #2 for Listening Show me spirit fingers when you hear…. Group 1 – If I had Group 2 – If I had Group 3 –Million dollars Group 4 – I’d buy Group 5 -- I’d buy CCQ

7 Reason #3 for Listening What would he buy? Put a check mark next to what he would buy. CCQ

8 Checking Reason 3 If yes = If no =

9 A More Difficult Question (Pairwork - 1 min.) Why would he buy all these things? Share your answer with this language: Partner A: He'd buy these things because he wants …. ------- Partner B: Yes, I agree. He really wants… No, I disagree. He really wants… CCQ

10 Going Deeper - Share Why would he buy all these things? Share your answer with this language: He'd buy these things because he wants ….

11 Identifying the Pattern (Pairwork - 2 min.) 1) How many times did I play the song? 2) What was the purpose? 3) How did I know if you achieved the purpose? 4) What kinds of support did I give when checking your comprehension?

12 Check Your Answers: Part 1 (Pairwork – 30 sec..) 1) How many times did I play the song? 3 times 2) What was the purpose? 1st - general understanding 2nd -specific, repetitive chunks of language 3rd - specific, isolated words

13 Check Your Answers: Part 2 (Pairwork – 1 min.) 3) How did I know if you achieved the purpose? 1st - showed comprehension with rich fingers/poor pockets, 2nd - showed comprehension with spirit fingers 3rd - showed comprehension with body check marks 4 th – elicited answers from teams 4) What support did participants have? 1st - two simple choices 2nd - physically answered (didn't produce language) 3rd – picture choices, physically answered (didn't produce language) 4th - language provided (stem completion)

14 How I Modeled the Pattern 1.Listen for two simple choices (rich or poor)  Trainer checked - Show me the money! 2.Listen for Specific chunks of language Trainer checked - Show me spirit fingers! 3.Listen for Specific words Trainer checked -Show me check marks! 4.Asked Why would he buy & He’d buy … Discuss with partner Trainer checked - Do you agree…

15 Confirm the Pattern (Pairwork - 2 min.) 1.Activate Prior Knowledge 2.______________ 3.Check comprehension 4.Ask a specific question 5.______________ 6.Ask an abstract question(s) 7.______________ 8.Post-activities

16 Confirm the Pattern (Pairwork - 1 min.) 1.Activate prior knowledge 2.Ask general question 3.Check comprehension 4.Ask specific question 5.Check comprehension 6.Ask abstract question(s) 7.Check comprehension 8.Post-activities

17 Moving From Listening to Reading Applying the Pattern

18 Skimming the Reading (Individually-1 min.) 1)Skim this reading from a 7 th grade English textbook. 2) When you finish, examine question #6. a)Is it general or specific? b)How might you check your students’ comprehension? 3) CCQ --- Captains, come get handouts for your team.

19 Instructions for Ordering Questions (Pairwork – 2 min.) 1.Examine the questions. 2.Put the questions in order from: –general –specific -easy -difficult

20 General to Specific (Pairwork – 2 min.) A.What are three ways to help the environment? B.Why (or how) will reducing, reusing, and recycling help the environment? C.Does this article give advice for helping the environment or helping artists? D.What is the difference between reuse and recycle?

21 Comparing Answers (Teamwork – 2 min.) A.What are three ways to help the environment? B.Why (or how) will reducing, reusing, and recycling help the environment? C.Does this article give advice for helping the environment or helping artists? D.What is the difference between reuse and recycle?

22 Reviewing: General to Specific C. Does this article give advice for helping the environment or helping artists? A. What are three ways to help the environment? D. What is the difference between reuse and recycle? B. Why (or how) will reducing, reusing, and recycling help the environment?

23 Remember the Pattern 1.Vocabulary Pre-teaching 2.General question(s) 3.Check comprehension 4.Specific question 5.Check comprehension 6.Abstract question(s) 7.Check comprehension 8.Post-activities

24 Checking Comprehension (Teamwork – 3 min.) With your team, decide how you will check comprehension for each question. (4 total) For ex: Having students stand up to show agreement. Remember: 10 classes, 45 students. Check quickly!

25 Checking Comprehension (Teamwork 3 min.) C. Does this article give advice to help the environment or help artists? A. What are three ways to help the environment? D. What is the difference between reuse and recycle? B. Why are scientists so concerned about the environment?

26 What are some of you ideas? C. Does this article give advice to help the environment or help artists? A. What are three ways to help the environment? D. What is the difference between reuse and recycle? B. Why are scientists so concerned about the environment?

27 Last Chance! Tell Me! 1.Vocabulary Pre-teaching 2.General question(s) 3.Check comprehension 4.Specific question 5.Check comprehension 6.Abstract question(s) 7.Check comprehension 8.Post-activities

28 Great Job!!!!

29 Symbolic Reflection (Write Individually-3 min.) 1)Please add the shape, design, word or image that best represents this workshop for you.

30 Thank You.

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