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Challenges for consumer rights in a cloud computing powered world and ISO/IEC Project 19086 developing a framework standard for service level agreements.

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Presentation on theme: "Challenges for consumer rights in a cloud computing powered world and ISO/IEC Project 19086 developing a framework standard for service level agreements."— Presentation transcript:

1 Challenges for consumer rights in a cloud computing powered world and ISO/IEC Project 19086 developing a framework standard for service level agreements in cloud computing Norbert Bollow Chiang Mai, 3 April 2014

2 from the presentation of the ISO/IEC JTC1 SC38 Chair to the ISO/IEC JTC1 plenary, November 2013

3 Consumer rights laws are currently based on assumptions that are typically not valid for cloud based services ● assumption that services to consumers are provided by companies subject to the laws of the consumer's country ● assumption that consumers (or at least organizations that test products in order to inform consumers) are able to recognize defective products ● assumption that a defective product primarily harms its users (rather than society as a whole) ● assumption that competitors are able to offer significantly different products

4 Consumer rights laws are currently based on assumptions that are typically not valid for cloud based services ● assumption that services to consumers are provided by companies subject to the laws of the consumer's country ● assumption that consumers (or at least organizations that test products in order to inform consumers) are able to recognize defective products ● assumption that a defective product primarily harms its users (rather than society as a whole) ● assumption that competitors are able to offer significantly different products

5 A simple scenario for a cloud based service provided to consumers ● Company A in country X offers a cloud service implementing a business process. ● Companies B, C and D in country Y make use of this cloud service to provide a service to consumers in country Y. ● Key properties of the service offered by companies B, C and D depend on the SLA offered by company A, the laws of country X, and the laws applying to the supply chain of A.

6 What to do? ● Insist that ISO/IEC Project 19086 developing a framework standard for service level agreements in cloud computing puts emphasis on the aspects that are important for consumer protection. ● Consumer organizations need to build competence for validating claims of providers of cloud based services e.g. in regard to security / data protection.

7 What are ISO and IEC? ● ISO=“International Organization for Standardization”, formally a private sector association with seat in Geneva, economically a cartel of national standardization organizations. ● IEC=“International Electrotechnical Commission“, also has the seat in Geneva. ● Under WTO rules, ISO/IEC standards can be referenced in legislation (that wouldn't make sense for the 19086 standard, but this is relevant to the culture of the organization and its processes). ● Consumers International engaged in COLPOCO.

8 ISO/IEC JTC1 SC38 ● “JTC” = “Joint Technical Committee” of ISO and IEC. ● SC = “Sub-Committee”. ● SC38 is for the topic areas distrivuted computing, service oriented architecture, and cloud computing. ● Participants have a technical background, most are employees of big companies who want to earn money in this area. ● Most countries are represented by employees of US based international companies, it is particular to SC38 that for very many countries this is Microsoft. ● Because consensus processes are used, even a single consumer organization voice can have huge impact!!!

9 What's in my report? ● I've looked at national consumer laws for arguments that can be used to influence ISO/IEC SC38. This is not a legal analysis, as the people in SC38 have a technical rather than a legal background. ● Analysis which aspects are particularly important in the cloud computing context.

10 What to do? (We need to do it!) ● Insist that ISO/IEC Project 19086 developing a framework standard for service level agreements in cloud computing puts emphasis on the aspects that are important for consumer protection. ● Consumer organizations need to build competence for validating claims of providers of cloud based services e.g. in regard to security / data protection. ● “All that is necessary for the forces of evil to succeed is for enough good people to do nothing.” (famous quote misattributed to Edmund Burke)

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