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American Nuclear Society Fuel Cycle and Waste Management Division Presentation to the ANS Board of Directors Terry A. Todd June 12, 2010 San Diego, CA.

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Presentation on theme: "American Nuclear Society Fuel Cycle and Waste Management Division Presentation to the ANS Board of Directors Terry A. Todd June 12, 2010 San Diego, CA."— Presentation transcript:

1 American Nuclear Society Fuel Cycle and Waste Management Division Presentation to the ANS Board of Directors Terry A. Todd June 12, 2010 San Diego, CA

2 FCWM Mission The FCWM division deals with all aspects of the nuclear fuel cycle including mining, enrichment, conversion, fuel fabrication, fuel design, reprocessing, storage, geologic repositories, waste processing, waste form testing, advanced fuel cycle evaluations, fissile material management, and national fuel cycle policies. We are also home division for the Special Committee for Nuclear Nonproliferation

3 FCWM Governance Chair: Terry A. Todd Vice Chair: Barry B. Spencer Secretary/Treasurer: Mary Lou Dunzik-Gougar Members: Guillermo DelCul (2012)Thomas Hirons (2011) Pamela Longmire (2012)Dominique Greneche (2011) Jack D. Law (2012)Maryanne E. Stasko (2011) Matthew L. Dennis (2012)Alan S. Icenhour (2011) Charles W. Forsberg (2013)Daniel P. Stout (2013) Mark T. Peters (2013)Alan D. Pasternak (2013) Emory D. Collins (2013)Ruth Weiner (2013) Past Chair:Stephen Turner Staff Liaison:Sharon S. Kerrick Board Liaison:Harold McFarlane Ex Officio:Donald R. Hoffman

4 FCWM Membership Trends

5 FCWM Budget FCWM on-hand funds range between $60 K to $100 K to support objectives. Randall Scholarship was fully endowed by FCWMD. We provide consistent support for scholarship, students, and the Society. –$1000 for NEED annually –$3000 for student travel to national meetings in 2009 and $1000 for scholarship winner –$2500 for student conference each year –$400 for teacher workshop annually –$4500 for Radwaste Solutions annually (increased from $4000) –$5000 for Seaborg Congressional Fellow annually Starting funds are approximately $100 K in 2010. Revenues from leadership in topical meetings

6 BudgetActualBudgetActual 12 Months 3 Months 2009 2010 Carry Forward111,296114,740112,114101,881 Member Allocation5,0385,1045,0385,236 Division Income3,0004,2653,0000 Total Budget Funds119,334124,109120,152107,117 Expenses Newsletters1,0008700 Awards, Plaques250641500 National Meeting Costs6,0006,5636,0000 Division Officer Expenses2500 0 Student Support6,5008,4008,0000 Scholarship/Need Funding1,000 0 Other Expenses15,9006,11414,4000 Total Expenses30,90022,22829,8000 Excess (Deficiency) of Budet Funds Over Expenses88,434101,88190,352107,117 FCWM BUDGET

7 FCWM Governance Strategic plan prepared and approved by FCWM Executive Committee 2009 Succession planning formally established Adapted standard Rules and Bylaws Newsletter published and website updated in 2008 and 2009 Program Vice Chair Program Chair Secretary/ Treasurer Vice Chair

8 FCWM Contribution to ANS FCWM is responsible for the following position statements: –42: Protection and Management of Plutonium (withdrawn 2007, being revised with Special Committee on Nuclear Nonproliferation) –11: Low Level Waste Disposal (revised in 2009) –45: Nuclear Fuel Recycling (2007, review in progress) –76: Interim Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel (2008) –80: Licensing Yucca Mountain as a Geological Repository for spent fuel storage (2009) –81: The EPA Radiation Standard for Spent Fuel Storage in a Geological Repository (2006, review in process) –55: Nonproliferation (2009) –22: Independent Entity for Managing Used Nuclear fuel (2009)

9 FCWM Contribution to ANS FCWM has contributed to the following position statements: –18: Safety of Transporting Radioactive Materials (2002) –47: Plutonium Disposition Using Mixed Oxide Fuel (with Special Committee for Nuclear Nonproliferation -2009) –50: Release of Radioactively Contaminated Materials (2008)

10 FCWMD Contribution to ANS ANS Leadership is provided by FCWM members : –Jim Tulenko (2004–2005 ANS President) –Harold McFarlane (2006–2007 ANS President) –Tom Sanders (2009-2010 ANS President) –TPC for Winter Meeting 2007 –TPC for Summer Meeting 2006 Participation in various ANS national committees and standards committees Non-meeting publications are supported by annual direct financial support and has contributed articles for Radwaste Solutions. Leadership roles in developing technical program for International Global Topical meetings (Host meeting every 6 yrs)

11 FCWM Services to Membership FCWM annually awards the Randal scholarship FCWM annually contributes to NEED FCWM annually contributes to student conferences and student travel to ANS Meetings FCWM supports Teachers Workshops FCWM supports Congressional Fellowship FCWM contributed to International Young Nuclear Engineers Conference FCWM regularly supports Fellow nominations and other award nominations

12 FCWM Technical Meetings FCWM has always supported both ANS national meetings –typically 30-40 technical papers –meet Professional Division measures –support to students and young members to attend national meetings –Various session chairs and meeting roles FCWM has a number of regular topical meetings. –Global 2007 in Boise, Idaho (380 presentations, 565 attendees net profit for division about $60K ) –International High-Level Radioactive Waste Management Conference (September 2008, next in 2011) –International Conference on LWR Fuel Performance “Top Fuel” (w/MSD) 2006 in Spain, 2007 in US –International Conf. on Facility Operations – Safeguards Interface (with IRD, 2008) –Global 2009 with Top Fuel in Paris –Global 2011 in Japan

13 FCWM Metrics- FY 2009 Division Meetings Division Governance Division Contributions to SocietyDivision Services to Membership National Meeting Participation Annual 2009 – 7 sessions, 2 panels Winter 2009 – 5 sessions, 3 panels Succession Planning included in 2006 Strategic Plan, reviewed by Vice Chair in 2007, no changes Reviewed in 2008 New Strategic Plan issued in 2008 for 2008-2009, which included succession planning. To be presented to Board of Directors in June 2010 Expanded interest in Ex. Comm. Participation generated 13 candidates for 6 positions for strong future and “new Blood”. Increased Ex. Comm positions by 2. Reserve one ExCom position for non-US representative ANS Position Statements 11 Low-Level Waste Disposal (Active 2009) 18 Safety of Transporting Radioactive Materials (Active, PPC Updating) 22 Government Corporation for Used Nuclear Fuel (Issued Dec 2009) 42 Protection & Management of PU 45 Nuclear Fuel Recycle (Active-2008) 47 Utilization of Surplus Weapons Plutonium as Mixed Oxide Fuel (Active) 50 Release of Radioactive Material (Active) 55 Nonproliferation (New 2009 – in process) 71 Interim Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel (Approved, Active) 80 Licensing of Yucca Mountain as a Geological Repository for Radioactive Wastes (Active-still valid) 81 EPA Rad Standard (Active) Professional Development International Workshop for Fuel Cycle 2006 Special Committee on Nuclear Non-proliferation workshop scheduled for November 2009 but postponed until 2010 due to lack of participation Class I, Class II Topicals Waste Management ‘08 Tech Committee members for Global 2009 (France) 8 th International High-Level Radioactive Waste Management Advances in Nuclear Fuel Mgmt 08 planning, meeting in 2011. Co-chair and members for Tech. Committee of Global 2011 () Advances in Nuclear Fuel Cycle management, Hilton Head, SC April 2009 Membership Trends v 2426/2474 mbrs +2.0$ change 2006 2474/2519 mbrs +1.8% change 2007 2519/2552 mbrs +1.3% change 2008 2552/2618 mbrs +2.6% change 2009 Participation with Outside Professional Societies Reprocessing & Recycling Technology Div of Atomic Energy Society of Japan Liaison assigned for SFNAS (France) and ENS Class IV meetings planned with: Atomic Energy of Korea: Water Reactor Fuel Performance 2009 AIChE: International Solvent Extraction Conference (ISEC 2008) IAEA: Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles – Challenges and Opportunities 2009 Provided Representative for Pacific Nuclear Council Waste Management Working Group Global 2009 (France-ENS) Global 2011 (Japan- AESJ) Scholarships Randall Scholarship – fully-funded and Randall winner invited to Winter Meeting NEED contribution 2009 Teacher Workshop financial support Class III Topicals Safety and Technology of Nuclear Hydrogen (embedded June 2009) Communications 1 newsletter in 2009 Website updated in 2009 Society Leadership 4 of 4 PDC Mtgs: 75% Exec. Comm & 100% NPC BOD presentation 2008 and 2010 Peer Recognition / Awards Subcommittee to nominate fellows and Seaborg Fellowship Financial support for congressional liaison Division Planning 2006-2007 Strategic Plan on file and reviewed 2008 Acceptance of new bylaws 2008-2009 Strategic Plan completed and approved-on file. To be presented to Board of Directors in June 2010 Non-Meeting Publications Financial support and major article to Radwaste Magazine Developing standards on fuel cycle facility licensing Student Support Financial and judging supports for 2009 Student Conference 2009 Student Travel Support Division’s Commitment to YMG Assigned liaison (Taylor Mouton) and increased communications and attendance at Exec meetings Sponsored a session for the Young Professionals Congress at 2009 Winter Meeting ExCom slate for 2010 election included 4 Young Members Mentoring at National meetings

14 Summary FCWM metrics are favorable. FCWM successes include –Active support of technical meetings –Continued strong membership growth –Financial support for students and Society –Revised/created a number of position statements for ANS FCWM focus is on –Good technical meetings –Support of members and continued growth –Expanding participation in Division activities and governance –particularly for young members

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