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Community Involvement Inspiration and information for volunteers, municipalities and business working together to improve the community.

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Presentation on theme: "Community Involvement Inspiration and information for volunteers, municipalities and business working together to improve the community."— Presentation transcript:

1 Community Involvement Inspiration and information for volunteers, municipalities and business working together to improve the community

2 Natural and Cultural Heritage Conservation Includes: … efforts made by municipal, corporate (all forms of local businesses) and private citizens to preserve heritage within their community. … heritage policies, bylaws and natural heritage management plan. Preservation and restoration of buildings, homes, churches, monuments, artifacts, sites, parks, heritage gardens, trees et cetera. Interpretative, cultural heritage, signage, Open Door programs and initiatives. Preservation of traditions and customs, festivals/celebrations, heritage foods and the arts. Historical Society, Heritage Advisory Committee.

3 Natural and Cultural Heritage Conservation Inspiration and information to help preserve, restore, and create new community heritages

4 Environmental Awareness Includes: … environmental efforts by the municipality, businesses and private citizens of a community. … sustainable development, policies and by-laws, waste reduction, landfill sites, hazardous waste collection, sewage disposal, transfer/recycle stations, recycling initiatives, plant health care, Integrated Pest Management (IPM), water source, treatment and conservation, naturalization, environmental clean up activities, environmentally friendly transportation.

5 Environmental Awareness Information and inspiration related to education and action on recycling, composting and naturalization

6 Tidiness Includes: … an overall tidiness effort made by the municipality, businesses, and private citizens of a community. … tidiness of green spaces (parks, etc), medians, streets, sidewalks, ditches, road shoulders, signage, vacant lots and buildings with regards to garbage, weeds, maintenance and repair, dog droppings, notices/posters, graffiti and vandalism.

7 Tidiness Information and inspiration to keep homes, businesses and the entire community, neater and cleaner

8 ONTARIO AWARDS CEREMONY - CiB Ontario Salutes and Recognizes your Community’s Efforts and Achievements - A perfect networking opportunity to learn from others - Informative plenary sessions - FUN 2007 PROVINCIAL AWARDS September 14 – 16, 2007 WOODSTOCK, Ontario

9 Thank you to our Sponsors & Partners

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