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Warm up Question:  If a person said, “It is my job and solemn duty to maintain the planet for my generation and the generations to come.” They would most.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm up Question:  If a person said, “It is my job and solemn duty to maintain the planet for my generation and the generations to come.” They would most."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm up Question:  If a person said, “It is my job and solemn duty to maintain the planet for my generation and the generations to come.” They would most likely follow which worldview: A. Planetary Management Worldview B. Stewardship World view C. Environmental Wisdom Worldview D. Deep Ecology Worldview

2 A Common Tragedy

3  What are the three types of resources?  What is the Tragedy of the Commons?  What are the different types of Pollution?  What are the solutions for Pollutions?

4  Natural Capital are those in the environment or those obtained in the environment. ◦ Food, Water, Air, Shelter, Petroleum, etc.  A Resource is anything obtained from the environment to meet our needs and wants.  Three types of resources: ◦ Perpetual ◦ Renewable ◦ Nonrenewable

5  Perpetual Resources ◦ Renewed continuously  Solar Energy  Renewable Resources ◦ On a human time scale, a resource that is renewed quickly (from hours to 100 years) through natural processes as long as it is not used faster than it is renewed.  Forests, grasslands, wild animals, water, air, and soil ◦ Sustainable yield and environmental degradation

6  Nonrenewable Resources ◦ A resources that exist in a fixed quantity inside the crust. ◦ Can be renewed in millions to billions of years through geologic processes.  Coal, oil, and natural gas, metallic minerals, and non metallic minerals  Ways to prevent loss of NR resources? ◦ Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle

7  There are three types of property ◦ Private Property ◦ Common Property  Parks  Village Farms  The Common area of a dorm ◦ Open-Access Property  Clean Air  Underground water supplies  Open Ocean and its fish

8  In 1968, biologist Garrett Hardin called the degradation of OAP the Tragedy of the Commons (TotC). ◦ “If I do not use this resource, someone else will. The little bit that I use or pollute is not enough to matter, and anyway, it’s a renewable resource.”  What’s wrong with this statement?

9  With the overuse of resources, Pollution is created.  Pollution is anything in the environment that is harmful to the health, survival, or activities of humans or other organisms.

10  Two Sources of Pollution ◦ Point Source ◦ Nonpoint Source  Two Types of Pollution ◦ Biodegradable ◦ Nonbiodegradable  What are the unwanted effects of pollution?

11  Pollution Cleanup ◦ Output pollution Control  Pollution Prevention ◦ Input Pollution Control

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