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The world of AUTOMOBILES Darnell Swinton JR. The past.

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Presentation on theme: "The world of AUTOMOBILES Darnell Swinton JR. The past."— Presentation transcript:

1 The world of AUTOMOBILES Darnell Swinton JR

2 The past

3 The first automobile The first automobile was made from the idea of a horseless carriage. This automobile often broke down or blew up and was horrible for the roads. As a result this version of the automobile was a big failure.


5 The present

6 The modern day automobiles The modern day automobile consist of the electric engine which was made in the year 1891.this engine is the most successful engine of them all. For better transportation congress passed a law prohibiting any vehicle that is not electrically run. Now days we have multiple varieties of elecrtically powered cars such as viper, mustang, eclipse, Lamborghini, and ect.

7 The electric timeline 1832 –first crude electric carriage 1835-first practical electric vehicle 1859-rechargable lead acid storage battery 1891-first successful electric vehicle 1893-First set of electric automobiles are sent to chicago 1897-first electric taxis 1899-Thomas Alva attempts to create a better battery 1900-electric cars are spread to other countries 1908-gasoline powered cars are made 1912-first practical electric automobile starter 1920-electric cars make a good commercial product 1966-congress passes a law demanding electric cars 1972-first hybrid car was invented 1997-toyota reveals the first mass market hybrid car the prius 2006-the telsa roadster is revealed 2009-2 billion dollars are given to the department of electric vehicle batteries


9 The Future

10 The mysteries to be revealed Some think that the future of automobiles will have the ability to hover and some say spherical wheels. we will never know until that day comes, but for now here are some examples of what can happen.

11 The wonderful future assumptions spherical hover

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