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The Urinary System Michael Hall University of California Los Angeles Mannekin Pis.

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1 The Urinary System Michael Hall University of California Los Angeles Mannekin Pis



4 Nephron Collecting Duct Uriniferous tubule

5 THE RENAL CORPUSCLE HAS: UPVPUS PE VE A simple squamous parietal epithelium (PE) which lines Bowmans capsule (BC). A tuft of capillaries called the glomerulus (G) A modified epithelium lining the capillaries (VE) A vascular pole (VP) A vascular pole (VP) A urinary pole (UP) A urinary space (US) G BC

6 Renal Corpuscle Efferent arteriole Afferent arteriole Filtrate Bowman’scapsule Bowman’s capsule Glomerulus Urinary space

7 Filtration apparatus of renal corpuscle Basal lamina Filtration slit membrane Fenestrated endothelium of capillary Podocyte Pedicel

8 Fenestrations Basal lamina Pedicels Filtration slit membrane RBC capillary

9 The glomerular basement membrane is a size and charge-selective barrier SIZE: Only proteins below 60,000 mw can get through the fenestrae and slits CHARGE: It is anionic (sialoproteins and proteoglycans) Most macromolecules are anionic at neutral pH, so they are repelled The glomerular basement membrane is a size and charge-selective barrier SIZE: Only proteins below 60,000 mw can get through the fenestrae and slits CHARGE: It is anionic (sialoproteins and proteoglycans) Most macromolecules are anionic at neutral pH, so they are repelled

10 Thin loop of Henle Ascending straight segment Distalconvolutedtubule Collecting duct Proximalconvolutedtubule Descendingstraightsegment Vasa recta

11 Collecting duct PCT DCT microvilli Tubules in cortex of kidney

12 CD Thin loops of Henle Tubules in medulla of kidney PCT DCT

13 Distal convoluted tubule Macula densa PCT DCT

14 Distal tubule JG cells The Juxtaglomerular Apparatus Glomerularcapillaries

15 ACE The role of the JG cells on the permeability of the collecting ducts to water Cells of macula densa sense decreased blood volume/flow from posterior pituitary

16 Changes in osmolarity in blood and urine during urine formation vasa recta

17 Manneken Pis has over 500 outfits that are used for special occasions

18 Blood vessels of the kidney

19 Renal Blood Supply

20 Arcuate artery and vein Cortex Medulla Renalcorpuscles

21 Interlobular arteries Lobule

22 Interlobular arteries

23 Juxtamedullary nephrons and vasa recta Cortical nephron Juxtamedullarynephron Loop of Henle Vasa recta


25 Renal papilla

26 Papilla Minor calyx

27 transitionalepitheliumUreter

28 Bladder

29 Bladder (relaxed) Bladder (stretched) Transitional epithelium

30 Urethra


32 Ahhhh! :)

33 Blood circulation in kidney ILAfferentEfferent juxtamedullary nephrons

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