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Run on Sentences and Comma Splices. Run on Sentence When you have two (or more) independent ideas with no punctuation and connecting words.

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Presentation on theme: "Run on Sentences and Comma Splices. Run on Sentence When you have two (or more) independent ideas with no punctuation and connecting words."— Presentation transcript:

1 Run on Sentences and Comma Splices

2 Run on Sentence When you have two (or more) independent ideas with no punctuation and connecting words.

3 Short Clip

4 Example 1 Amanda has a good job she never has to worry about money.

5 Revised Amanda has a good job, so she never has to worry about money.  Added a CONJUNCTION: is a part of speech that connects words, sentences, or phrases Amanda has a good job; she never has to worry about money.  Semi colon: joins two different ideas

6 Example 2 From the second story came a cry for help firefighters rushed into the burning building.

7 Revised From the second story came a cry for help, and firefighters rushed into the burning building.

8 Example 3 First, we made sure the people in the accident were safe then we called the police.

9 Revised First, we made sure the people in the accident were safe, and then we called the police.

10 Example 4: don’t be afraid to break apart your sentences! Orville and Wilbur Wright had a bicycle- making business in Ohio they loved experimenting with flying machines they built the Wright Flyer in 1903.

11 Revised Revised : Orville and Wilbur Wright had a bicycle-making business in Ohio; they loved experimenting with flying machines. They built the Wright Flyer in 1903. OR Orville and Wilbur Wright had a bicycle- making business in Ohio, and they loved experimenting with flying machines. They built the Wright Flyer in 1903.

12 Comma Splice When you connect 2 independent ideas together with just a comma.

13 Short Clip 2

14 Example 1 The fans in the soccer stadium pushed forward, people began to panic.  What needs to be added?  A conjuction (a connecting word)]  A Period  OR a semi-colon

15 Revised The fans in the soccer stadium pushed forward, and people began to panic.

16 Example 2 I completed my English essay, now I must go to the library and begin research at once on my fifteen-page History term paper.

17 I completed my English essay. Now I must go to the library and begin research at once on my fifteen-page History term paper.

18 Example 3 The sun is high, put on some sunblock.

19 Revised The sun is high, so put on some sunblock.

20 Handout Fill in the punctuation, capitols, and connecting words where needed.

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