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1 P20 Confidentiality & Data Sharing Agreement Wednesday, November 16, 2011.

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1 1 P20 Confidentiality & Data Sharing Agreement Wednesday, November 16, 2011

2 Dr. Domenico "Mimmo" Parisi Mississippi State University National Strategic Planning & Analysis Research Center 2

3 3 Path To Successful Agreements Determine the Scope Answer the “why” question Determine what will be shared Identify relevant data and data sources Determine how it will be shared Processes and procedures for transfer and storage Data governance relating to security Determine how it will be used Processes and procedures Data governance relating to confidentiality

4 Who should be involved? Stakeholders from the top down o Governor’s Office, Agency Executive Level, Programmatic Representatives, Technical Experts, End Users Barriers/Challenges to Successful Agreements Creating a unified structure under which data sharing would occur o Cannot occur in an unstructured environment Identifying a neutral 3 rd party to be the data clearinghouse o Find somebody you can trust What is the Catalyst for Action? Necessity for reporting requirements Plan for Regional Data Sharing WRIS data 4 Path To Successful Agreements

5 Heather Boughton Ohio Department of Education Keith Ewald Ohio Department of Job and Family Services Marsha Ward Ohio Department of Education 5

6 PK K - 12 Post Secondary Workforce Reporting Responsibility ITC ODE NWOCA OBR ODH Ohio State University Researchers BFKSAS Home Daycares Daycare Center ODJFS LEA Provide direct service to students/parents Data Repository LEA IHE The Landscape

7 Home Daycares PK K - 12 Post Secondary Workforce Daycare Center ODJFS IHE OBR ODH ODE Ohio State University BFKSAS Researchers Existing Agreement(s) Bring various workforce program data together (WDQI) Federal Reporting To facilitate individual research initiatives Agreement In Progress Data Matching for AWE Program LEA ITC NWOCA LEA Data Hosting / EMIS Reporting Value-Added Participation Transmit SSID for Value-Added Program Specific Participation Higher Ed / Workforce Matching Early Childhood Data Integration Addition of Higher Ed data to SLDS Reporting Responsibility

8 WDQI and SLDS Concerns of data owners Security breech Administrative burden Legal priority Who is in control How to practically extend research access 8 Confidentiality and Data Sharing Agreements - Ohio

9 Data Governance Balancing Act Once we have all this data, how is it used? Outcome of Ohio’s SLDS Projects: Stronger Research Networks o Ohio Education Research Center o Higher Education Research Network o Executive Research Advisory Group for WDQI 9 Ohio’s External Data Sharing

10 Two tasks faced by Ohio’s research networks: Developing a coherent P-20W research agenda Streamlining and strengthening external data sharing policies and procedures 10 Ohio’s External Data Sharing

11 Questions we need to incorporate into our policies: Who has access to the data? How do they access the data? Who at the agency signs off on data sharing? How do we assess our capacity to provide data (and data support)? Who is responsible for maintaining records of shared data? What control do we have over data once it leaves our department? What kind of follow-up is appropriate? How can we be more transparent about how our data is used? 11 Ohio’s External Data Sharing

12 Tom Ogle Missouri Department of Education Clinton Flowers Missouri Department of Economic Development 12

13 Missouri Formed a P-20 Council (with an Executive Director in 2005). P-20 Council rendered an informal executive interest by 2007 – but professional dedication remained. National Governor’s Association Grant 2007 DESE SLDS grant funding in 2009 WDQI grant funding in 2010 for December 2010 beginning. 13 P-20 Council Origins

14 Completed initial research. Focused on proposed FERPA changes. Drafted an Interagency Memorandum of Understanding (a Show-Me Data Sharing Agreement). The MOU is currently “in process” for signature by each agency’s legal counsel. The MOU generally is premised upon FERPA changes coming to reality. 14 P-20W Currently

15 Consensus on an Interagency Work group for developing confidentiality and information security practices and protocol (supporting the MOU) Key functions acknowledged: Determining access; Confidentiality training, certification and acknowledgement (linked to personnel system); IT protections made empirical; Establishing a venue for confidentiality breach planning. 15 MOU Administrative Direction

16 Dr. Domenico "Mimmo" Parisi, Heather Boughton, Keith Ewald, Marsha Ward, Tom Ogle, Clinton Flowers, 16 Contact Info and Resources:

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