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Manegment  Participatory development  Community Co-management.

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Presentation on theme: "Manegment  Participatory development  Community Co-management."— Presentation transcript:

1 Manegment  Participatory development  Community Co-management

2 Participatory development



5 Development history 年代发展思想说明 五十年代 “ 增长理论 ” 物质财富在数量上 的增长 六十年代 至 八十年代 现代化理论 人的观念是制约 发展和增长的关 键 通过更快有效的技 术提高物质生产力, 要 “ 多、快、好、 省 ” 要改变旧的观 念 八十年代基本需求战略考虑人在各个方面 的基本需求(温饱、 卫生保健、教育 ) 八十年代 中后期 “ 以人为本的发展 ” * 公平 * 参与 * 考虑人在发展过程 中的地位,避免两 极化 九十年代 初 可持续发展环境资源、社会文 化、政治体制、民 主法律

6 Participatory development

7 Different awareness Interact understanding ——Officials, experts, farmers ——Officials at all levels ——Experts in different fields ——Male farmers Female farmers, rich farmers, poor farmers —— stakeholder

8 Understanding Participatory development Politics: Empowerment of vulnerable groups Sociology Interaction and equality Economist The efficiency of intervention Countryside The Changes

9 Understanding Participatory development Decision-making: Implement, Planning, monitoring and evaluation Beneficiary groups: in the control of resources and affect tactics Adjustment process Political and economic rights are favorable to vulnerable groups Partnership Mutual equality of social roles

10 Types of participatory development

11 participation communication Interactive Take part in

12 Ways Semi-structured interviews Individual interviews Group interviews Insider Interviews Special groups interviews Survey Events Interview Women's Interview Simple sort Matrix Wealth ranking Risk opportunities analysis Cause and effect analysis Problem tree Community visual information Community record

13 Ways Conflict Diagram Venn Diagram Community land use map Village meeting Village Group meeting 、 Women's groups will 、 different stakeholders groups will Farmers records Farmers account Daily activity chart Secondary data collection Community model Evolution Chart Season calendar chart

14 Community Co-management

15 Participation farmer-center Co-management Common objective achievement Together development

16 Empowerment Rights to know Participation Rights to make decision Rights to benefit Democratization

17 Contents of Co-management Identify and evaluate opportunities and constrictions of using common property resource Raising public awareness of protection, and co-management committee establishment

18 Contents of Co-management Formulate common agreement and village regulations, setting up mechanisms of PM&E Design the plan for community and common pool resource use as well as land use planning Participatory action plan designing and implementation

19 Process of setting up co- management institution  Meetings of multi-stakeholders  Establishment of co-management leadership  Selection of pilot sites, raising public awareness  PRA implementation, design community resource management plan and action plan

20 Process of setting up co- management institution  Election of co-management committee member, Rights and Responsibility allocation)  formulate co-management rule and revising village regulations  to sign co-management agreement and its implementation  Implementation of PM&E


22 WWF project

23 GEF Project

24 GTZ Project

25 UNDP project

26 Discussion  integrated conservation and development  co-management as effective and efficiency approach for management in national park

27 Discussion  Application and extension of co-management  Question in sustainability  Role of NGOs

28 Trends *From national park to other sector (state forest and collective) *diverse model *new development *meaningful and wide participation of stakeholders *Government involvement

29 Behavior and attitudes




33 Biodiversity Action Plan  Objective:  Awareness raising  Promotion  Management tool  Plan delivery of technical services  Attracting investment  Monitoring progress  Payment for Environmental Services (PES)  Carbon trading

34 1. Select the geographical limits for the Action Plan (County, Nature Reserve, Township, watershed, village) 2. Make an inventory of all stakeholders for example: County Level Government Bureau Township Level Government Bureau International Projects Villagers Biodiversity Action Plan

35  Tools:  PRA village mapping, Village land use plans (grazing areas, springs)  Nature reserve zoning plan (core, buffer, multiple use)  County economic development zones  Market surveys for key products

36 Biodiversity Action Plan 3.Organize workshops with stakeholders, identify problems and their causes.

37 Environmental (resource loss, wildlife damage, fires, floods, droughts, soil erosion. conflicts) Economic (infrastructure and communications, lack of income, low prices, no market information, unreliable traders) Social (high work loads due to decrease in firewood, safe drinking water) Biodiversity Action Plan

38 4. Identify strengths and opportunities Environmental (see market surveys, tourism attractions) Economic (infrastructure and communications, investment) Social (skills, organizations) Biodiversity Action Plan

39 5. Prioritize the problems to be solved and formulate solutions System of regulations, seasons of harvesting, zoning and land use System of subsidies System of fines Biodiversity Action Plan

40  6.Formulation of the Action Plan Select time frame (1 year pilot models, 5 years with replication to new sites),  Plan activities  Identify the roles and responsibilities of each of the stakeholders  Develop mechanisms for coordination and cooperation Design financial mechanism to ensure long term funding for prioritized activities

41 8. Implementation of the plan, monitoring and evaluation Biodiversity Action Plan 7. Plan capacity building needs and sustainable delivery of technical services

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