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Idiom or cliché?.

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Presentation on theme: "Idiom or cliché?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Idiom or cliché?

2 What is an idiom? An idiom is a saying that does not make literal, logical, or grammatical sense. People within the same culture understand the meaning. EXAMPLE: What does the idiom “What’s the buzz?” mean… a. Where are the bees? b. What’s the news? c. What time does the end of school bell ring?

3 Idiom Practice: It’s raining cats and dogs is a common idiom.
What does it mean? I’m going to hit the hay is a common idiom. Someone has butterflies in their stomach is a common idiom.

4 What is a cliché? A cliché is a saying that is so common it’s no longer interesting. Many metaphors, similes, adages, and idioms are cliches. Cliches should be avoided in our writing. Example: Cool as a cumumber What does it mean?Why is this a cliché? Think of an original ending to this overused expression. Cool as a ___________________.

5 Cliche Practice: I slept like a log is a cliché. What does it mean?
I was scared to death is a cliché. What does it mean? Easy as pie is a cliché. What does it mean? Red as a beet is a cliché. What does it mean?

6 Idiom or Cliché? I’ve got a bone to pick with you.
That teacher is hard as nails. That salesman was slick as a whistle. The little girl was happy as a clam. The singer’s first CD was a huge success, but critics feared he was a flash in the pan. “It’s a dog’s life” is an idiom meaning “life is difficult.” Write whether you think this idiom is true and why or why not.

7 EXIT TICKET: Rewrite the following sentence in standard English. The idioms are in red. I’m all thumbs at making this craft, but I’ll have to bite the bullet and do it before it becomes an albatross around my neck.

8 Idiom or cliché key 1. Idiom 2. Cliché 3. Cliche 4. Cliché 5. Idiom

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