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WORK and Wealth Creation Pete Brayne GCC 4 th June 2000.

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1 WORK and Wealth Creation Pete Brayne GCC 4 th June 2000

2 Old Testament Review  Deuteronomy 8:17-18  God gives us the ability to produce wealth.  1 Samuel 2:7-8  God sends poverty as well as wealth  Psalm 37:16-17  the wicked can be wealthy - God upholds righteousness above wealth  Proverbs 3:9  If we honour God, he will bless us  Ecclesiastes 5:10  The love of money can create a lust that can never be satisfied!

3 New Testament Review  Matthew 4 & Luke 4 – the temptation of Jesus  Tempted by all the kingdoms of this world and their splendour  Matthew 13:22 – the parable of the sower  The danger of wealth to choke God’s word  Matthew 19:17-31 – the rich young man  Nothing must come between us and our love for God  Mark 12:41-44 – the Widows offering  it’s not what we give, it’s what we hold back!  Luke 16:10-13 – the shrewd manager ……

4 What can we conclude? 1. Wealth comes from God, but does not infer his approval – but can be! 2. God’s removal of wealth does not infer his disapproval – but can be! 3. Wealth is neither intrinsically good nor bad.  Key questions – how is wealth gained? what is our attitude towards it? how do we use it? 4. Warning! money can take us away from God 5. Money is to be used to honour God!

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