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Perspective on Human Flourishing. Human Flourishing Before the Fall--human flourishing in the garden Before the Fall--human flourishing in the garden.

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Presentation on theme: "Perspective on Human Flourishing. Human Flourishing Before the Fall--human flourishing in the garden Before the Fall--human flourishing in the garden."— Presentation transcript:

1 Perspective on Human Flourishing

2 Human Flourishing Before the Fall--human flourishing in the garden Before the Fall--human flourishing in the garden After the Fall--sin impacts human flourishing After the Fall--sin impacts human flourishing –Distortions of the meaning of flourishing –Distortions of the perception of flourishing (Psalm 73) –Loss of connection with our Source of flourishing

3 Human Flourishing (cont.) The Redemption and human flourishing The Redemption and human flourishing –We of all people must be agents of hope for our world—we have reconnected with the Source of human flourishing –“And he has committed to us the ministry of reconciliation…” 2 Corinthians 5:18 –Flourishing now involves both creation and redemption, both healing [of our structures and disciplines] and offering hope

4 Who Flourishes? All people are image bearers of God All people are image bearers of God The common grace of God leads many to offer insight into flourishing The common grace of God leads many to offer insight into flourishing Consider the example of Csikszenthihalyi Consider the example of Csikszenthihalyi

5 Psychological Research Literature review by Nakamura and Csikszenthihalyi: “the fullness of a persons participation in the world has been granted central importance in the study of Flow.” “the fullness of a persons participation in the world has been granted central importance in the study of Flow.” Source: David Mashburn

6 Czikszentmihalyi summarizes his work by saying: “Contrary to what we believe, the best moments of our lives are not the passive, receptive, relaxing times- although such experiences can also be enjoyable, if we work hard to attain them. The best moments usually occur when a person’s mind is stretched to its limits in a voluntary effort to accomplish something difficult and worthwhile.”

7 “Findings suggest that apathy of many people around us is not due to their being physically or mentally exhausted. The problems seem to lie more in modern workers relation to his job, with the way he perceives his goals in relation to it. Workers flourish best when they have a sense of ‘calling.’” (C) “Findings suggest that apathy of many people around us is not due to their being physically or mentally exhausted. The problems seem to lie more in modern workers relation to his job, with the way he perceives his goals in relation to it. Workers flourish best when they have a sense of ‘calling.’” (C)

8 The Mandate for Christians Offer hope to the world Offer hope to the world Identify ways our work can bring hope to others, including ourselves Identify ways our work can bring hope to others, including ourselves Concern: sometimes we model despair that fails to demonstrate the Kingdom of God. This is a natural tendency Concern: sometimes we model despair that fails to demonstrate the Kingdom of God. This is a natural tendency “When confronted with a new situation, humans tend to see loss before they see opportunity.” Leadership on the Line Linsky and Heifitz

9 Engineering

10 The Arts

11 Business

12 “Shalom represents the world as it was meant to be. It is the content of the Kingdom of God. It provides the conditions necessary for all of creation to flourish. When shalom is present, truth, beauty, justice, plenty, and the good flourish and bring life.

13 “These dimensions of creation will only fully flourish at the end of time, at the full restoration of all things, at the coming of the city of God to the New Earth. Our calling is to live in the light of this alternative vision of the future rather than submitting to the dominant ideologies of the present.” Don Flow “Engaging the World: Vocation, Eschatology, and Shalom”

14 Don Flow example

15 The Challenge How do we redefine human flourishing from God’s perspective? How do we redefine human flourishing from God’s perspective? How do we apply this to our disciplines? How do we apply this to our disciplines? How do we use this to offer hope and model the Kingdom of God to our world? How do we use this to offer hope and model the Kingdom of God to our world? –Internally in our work by creating a flourishing environment for our employees –External to the world by offering services that address real needs in the world

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