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Minneapolis Office Developer Interest Group (MODIG) April 28, 2009 Custom Workflow Actions in SharePoint Designer Raymond Mitchell Inetium

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Presentation on theme: "Minneapolis Office Developer Interest Group (MODIG) April 28, 2009 Custom Workflow Actions in SharePoint Designer Raymond Mitchell Inetium"— Presentation transcript:

1 Minneapolis Office Developer Interest Group (MODIG) April 28, 2009 Custom Workflow Actions in SharePoint Designer Raymond Mitchell Inetium

2 The Plan  Introduction  You are here  Feature Presentation  Custom Workflow Actions in SharePoint Designer  Next Topic Selection  Random Stuff

3 User Group Goals  Provide a community for SharePoint Developers  Share development knowledge  Exchange tips/tricks/other/free pizza  Add 2,000 List Items…. using a custom action

4 User Group Format  Presentations  1-2 per meeting (targeting 1.25 Hours)  Hopefully Demo Heavy (Slides are for MBAs)  Highlights of Nifty Things  See next slide  QA/Discussion/Random Things

5 Call for Cool Stuff  Created something cool?  Send Screenshots or Videos  We’ll try to feature some items here

6  Our current home  Meeting information  Usually has the right time  Previous presentations  Running on SharePoint  As required by SharePoint User Group Law

7 Upcoming  Next Meeting  July 28 (Tuesday 5:30pm)  Topic: TBD – Hopefully later today  Location: Based on Feedback  MNSPUG  May 13 (9:00am – Noon)  Topic : Business Process / Workflow/ Forms (

8 The Plan  Overview  SharePoint Designer Workflows  Actions and Conditions  How does it know?  Let’s build!  Create a custom action  Related: web.config modifications  Deploy a custom action via Solution  Build and deploy a custom condition  Would you like to know more?  Custom Actions available on CodePlex  Resources  Questions

9 SharePoint Designer Workflows

10  String together a series of action and condition “sentences” to build a custom workflow  A number of Actions and Conditions ship with Windows SharePoint Services  Visual Designer:

11 SharePoint Designer Workflows DEMO Out of the box SharePoint Designer Workflow

12 SharePoint Designer Workflows DEMO Behind the scenes – webpartpages.asmx?? ACTIONS file

13 Building Custom Actions

14 Adding Custom Actions  High Level Steps:  Build an Activity  Sign your assembly and deploy to the GAC  Create an ACTIONS File  Update web.config file to add an authorizedType

15 Build an Activity  Activity class (System.Workflow.ComponentModel)  DependencyProperties  ActivityValidators  Add attribute to your class: [ActivityValidator(typeof(ValidatorClassName))]  Returns a ValidationErrorCollection to provide fancy error messages in SharePoint Designer

16 Sign your Assembly, Deploy to GAC .snk file .NET Framework 2.0 Configuration:  C:\Windows\Assembly  gacutil.exe  Microsoft.NET Framework SDK

17 Create an ACTIONS file  WorkflowInfo  Conditions  Condition  Assembly  ClassName  FunctionName  RuleDesigner  Parameters  Actions  Action  Assembly  ClassName  Category  RuleDesigner  Parameters

18 Create an ACTIONS file  RuleDesigner  Sentence  Populate %1 with %2  %# maps to FieldBind  Can be various types as defined in FieldBind

19 Create an ACTIONS file  RuleDesigner  Sentence  FieldBind  DesignerType  Field  Text  Id ValueControl Description BooleanDrop-down list box with the choices true and false populated. ChooseDoclibItemDocument library item selector. ChooseListItemDefault. CreateListItemDefault. DateDate/Time selector. DropdownDrop-down list box control. Static items can be populated by adding Option elements. Email E-mail advanced control. The form displays standard e-mail fields including To, From, CC, Subject and Body. FieldNames Drop-down list box control populated with all field names in the current list or document library. FloatText box. Allows entry of floating point values. HyperlinkURL browser. Select local or remote resources using a standard link builder. IntegerText box. Accepts non-negative integer values. ListNamesDrop-down list box control populated with all lists in the current Web site. Operator Drop-down list box control that includes operators used to evaluate each side of the RuleDesigner sentence. Operators are static and must be added in Options elements. ParameterNames Drop-down list box populated with all local variables that have been entered for use by the workflow. Person Person or Group selector. You can choose only one person or group from either built- in, local users or groups or users and groups from a domain. SinglePerson Person or Group selector. You choose only one person or group from either built-in, local users or groups or users and groups from a domain. StringbuilderInline text box editor. Use to create simple strings. SurveyDefault. TextDefault. TextAreaDefault. UpdateListItemDefault. writablefieldNamesDrop-down list box populated either with a list of fields in the current list or a list of document libraries that are editable. All other fields are hidden.

20 Create an ACTIONS file  Parameter  Type  System.String  Microsoft.SharePoint.WorkflowActions.WorkflowContext  System.Collections.ArrayList  System.Int32  System.Boolean ……  Name  Maps parameter to a FieldBind  Direction  (In or Out)

21 Sample.ACTIONS File <Condition AppliesTo="list" Assembly="Assembly.Name, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=GUID" ClassName="Fully qualified class name" FunctionName="Boolean method nameimplemented in class" Name="Name to be displayed in workflow editor“ Type="Advanced" UsesCurrentItem="true"> <FieldBind DesignerType="Date" Field="Parameter that FieldBind maps to“ Function="true" Id="Unique positive Integer“ Text="Text to be displayed as a hyperlink" TypeFrom="Parameter that a non-Operator derives its type from“ Value="Reserved for future use">

22 Sample.ACTIONS File <FieldBind DesignerType="CreateListItem" Field="Parameter that FieldBind maps to" Function="true" Id="Unique positive Integer" OperatorTypeFrom="Parameter Operator derives its type from" Text="Text to be displayed as a hyperlink" TypeFrom="Parameter non-Operator derives its type from" Value="Reserved for future use">

23 Add an authorizedType to Web.config  Add an authorizedType element to authorizedTypes:  Very similar to safe controls, except you can’t automate it with a solution manifest (<safeControl…)

24 Web.config Modifications  Should (almost) never, never, never make changes by hand  Manual changes are not “farm safe”  Manual changes are not “backed up” with SharePoint content  We need another challenge

25 Web.config Modifications  Enter SPWebConfigModification  Name – UNIQUE name of the modification  Xpath – path to the node being modified: configuration/System.Workflow.ComponentModel.WorkflowCompiler/authorizedTypes  Three Types:  Ensure Attribute  EnsureChildNode  EnsureSection  Owner  Important if you want to remove later!

26 Web.config Modifications  SPWebApplication  Add (modification)  Remove (modification)  SPWebApplication. WebService.ApplyWebConfigModifications()  SPWebApplication.Update()

27 SharePoint Designer Workflows DEMO Update a web.config using SPWebConfigModification

28 Deploying Custom Actions

29  High Level Steps:  Generate a SharePoint Solution file  Web Application Scoped Feature  Feature Receiver to add web.config modifications

30 SharePoint Designer Workflows DEMO SharePoint Solution generation with Web App Feature

31 Custom Actions (with context)

32 Adding context to your Actions  Parameters that can be added:  WorkflowContext __Context  Microsoft.SharePoint.WorkflowActions.WorkflowContext  __Context.Web  __Context.Site  These two can only be added if they are going to be used:  string ListId  int ListItem

33 SharePoint Designer Workflows DEMO Add 2,000 list items to a related list

34 Building Custom Conditions

35 Adding Custom Conditions  Class with public static Boolean function  Same parameter options for context:  WorkflowContext context  string listId  int listItem

36 SharePoint Designer Workflows DEMO Create a custom condition

37 Custom Actions on CodePlex

38 Useful SharePoint Designer Custom Workflow Activities  CodePlex project - http://spdactivities.codeplex.com  Latest release January 2008  Release contains Setup.exe and a SharePoint Solution file  Source Code is available to download or browse

39 Useful SharePoint Designer Custom Workflow Activities Email  Send Email with HTTP File attachment - Allows sending emails with attachments retrieved using a web request Send Email with HTTP File attachment  Send Email with List Item attachments - Allows sending list item attachments as files attached to an email Send Email with List Item attachments  Send Email Extended - Enhaced version of the OOTB activity. Allows you to specify the sender. Also does not break links in body. Permissions  Grant Permission on Item - Allows granting of specified permission level on a spicified item Grant Permission on Item  Delete List Item Permission Assigment - Allows deleting of specified permission level assigment for a given user Delete List Item Permission Assigment  Reset List Permissions Inheritance - removes any unique permissions assigned to an item by inheriting list permissions Reset List Permissions Inheritance User  Lookup user info - allows to lookup properties in site's user information list for a given login Lookup user info

40 Useful SharePoint Designer Custom Workflow Activities InfoPath  Get InfoPath field inner text - allows to query InfoPath form data using XPath Get InfoPath field inner text  Get InfoPath field inner xml - allows to query InfoPath form data using XPath Get InfoPath field inner xml  Set InfoPath field inner text - allows to change InfoPath form data using XPath Set InfoPath field inner text  Set InfoPath field inner xml - allows to change InfoPath form data using XPath Set InfoPath field inner xml Other  Start Another Workflow - Starts another workflow associated with a list item Start Another Workflow  Copy List Item Extended Activity - Allows copying/moving list items and files cross site. Copy List Item Extended Activity Conditions  Is User a member of a SharePoint group - Checks if a given user is part of given sharepoint group Is User a member of a SharePoint group  Is Role assigned to User - Checks if a user role is already assigned on the current list item Is Role assigned to User

41 Useful SharePoint Designer Custom Workflow Activities DEMO Installing SPDActivities Creating Workflows using SPDActivities

42 Resources

43  Jeff Zhang’s blog post: “Add Your Own Custom Workflow Activities to SharePoint Designer 2007”  MSDN article: “Building Custom Workflow Conditions for SharePoint Designer”  CodePlex project: “Useful SharePoint Designer Custom Workflow Activities” http://spdactivities.codeplex.com

44 Resources  SDK Document: “Importing Custom Actions Into SharePoint Designer”  Wesley Bakker’s blog post: “Web.config modifications with a SharePoint feature”  Ted blog post: “Using a Web Application Feature to Modify web.config”

45 Next Meeting Planning  Possible Topics  ?

46 Random Stuff Raymond Mitchell Inetium Feedback Forms/Giveaway Mingle, Eat, Feedback See you next time!

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