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HOT WORDS #6-#10. Derogatory Adjective Tending to lower in estimation; degrade Her derogatory comments about me behind my back made me rethink our friendship.

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Presentation on theme: "HOT WORDS #6-#10. Derogatory Adjective Tending to lower in estimation; degrade Her derogatory comments about me behind my back made me rethink our friendship."— Presentation transcript:

1 HOT WORDS #6-#10

2 Derogatory Adjective Tending to lower in estimation; degrade Her derogatory comments about me behind my back made me rethink our friendship.

3 Despot Noun Monarch (ruler) with unlimited power. The despot ruled over the country with little regard to the consequences of his actions.

4 Diatribe Noun A bitter verbal attack. Her mom’s diatribe resulted in a lot of tears.

5 Dormant Adjective Lying asleep; in a state of rest This past weekend, my dormant cat only woke up to eat.

6 Elusive Adjective Hard to grasp, baffling Physics is an elusive subject for me. I just don’t get it!

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