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Ten Habits Highly Healthy Homes of Habit 9 Speak The Truth Speak The Truth Exodus 20:16.

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Presentation on theme: "Ten Habits Highly Healthy Homes of Habit 9 Speak The Truth Speak The Truth Exodus 20:16."— Presentation transcript:


2 Ten Habits Highly Healthy Homes of

3 Habit 9 Speak The Truth Speak The Truth Exodus 20:16

4 Do not testify falsely against your neighbor.

5 ? ?

6 ? ? ? ? ? ?

7 Frank W. Abagnale



10 New York Times

11 Washington Post

12 Situation Ethics Situation Ethics


14 Proverbs 6:16-19 16 These six things the Lord hates, Yes, seven are an abomination to Him: 17 A proud look, A lying tongue, Hands that shed innocent blood,

15 Proverbs 6:16-19 18 A heart that devises wicked plans, Feet that are swift in running to evil, 19 A false witness who speaks lies, And one who sows discord among brethren.

16 Hebrews 6:18 … it is impossible for God to lie.

17 Psalm 31:5 Into Your hand I commit my spirit; You have redeemed me, O Lord God of truth.

18 John 14:6 Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.”

19 John 4:24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

20 John 8:44 For you are the children of your father the Devil, and you love to do the evil things he does. He was a murderer from the beginning and has always hated the truth.

21 John 8:44 There is no truth in him. When he lies, it is consistent with his character; for he is a liar and the father of lies.

22 Ephesians 4:25 We are part of the same body. Stop lying and start telling each other the truth.

23 Colossians 3:9 And stop lying to each other. You have given up your old way of life with its habits.

24 Psalm 101:7 I will not allow deceivers to serve me, and liars will not be allowed to enter my presence.

25 Lying is simply an intention to mislead When you tell a half-truth, you’re telling a whole lie!

26 You can lie by falsifying information or you can lie by withholding information

27 Why We Lie Why We Lie

28 The Cruel Lie The Cruel Lie 1 1

29 Motivation: Resentment M o t i v a t i o n : R e s e n t m e n t

30 This is the kind of lie you tell to get revenge This is the kind of lie you tell to get revenge

31 GOSSIP the unnecessary bearing of information GOSSIP the unnecessary bearing of information

32 Before you speak … THINKTHINK T H I N K


34 Before you speak … Is it …. THINKTHINK THINKTHINK rue? elpful? rue? elpful?

35 Before you speak … Is it …. THINKTHINK THINKTHINK rue? elpful? nspiring? rue? elpful? nspiring?

36 Before you speak … Is it …. THINKTHINK THINKTHINK rue? elpful? nspiring? ecessary? rue? elpful? nspiring? ecessary?

37 Before you speak … Is it …. THINKTHINK THINKTHINK rue? elpful? nspiring? ecessary? ind? rue? elpful? nspiring? ecessary? ind?

38 Proverbs 26:20 Fire goes out for lack of fuel, and quarrels disappear when gossip stops.

39 Proverbs 17:9 Disregarding another person’s faults preserves love; telling about them separates close friends.

40 The Cowardly Lie The Cowardly Lie 2 2

41 Motivation: Fear M o t i v a t i o n : F e a r

42 This is the kind of lie you tell to escape consequences This is the kind of lie you tell to escape consequences






48 Proverbs 29:25 Fearing people is a dangerous trap, but to trust the Lord means safety.

49 The Conceited Lie The Conceited Lie 3 3

50 Motivation: Insecurity M o t i v a t i o n : I n s e c u r i t y

51 This is the kind of lie you tell to impress others This is the kind of lie you tell to impress others

52 Proverbs 10:19 Don’t talk too much, for it fosters sin. Be sensible and turn off the flow!

53 The Calculated Lie The Calculated Lie 4 4

54 Motivation: Selfishness M o t i v a t i o n : S e l f i s h n e s s

55 This is the kind of lie you tell to manipulate others This is the kind of lie you tell to manipulate others

56 Proverbs 26:28 Watch out for anyone who tells lies and flatters — they are out to get you.

57 Romans 16:18 Such people are not serving Christ our Lord; they are serving their own personal interests. By smooth talk and glowing words they deceive innocent people.

58 The Convenient Lie The Convenient Lie 5 5

59 Motivation: Laziness M o t i v a t i o n : L a z i n e s s

60 This is the kind of lie you tell to avoid involvement This is the kind of lie you tell to avoid involvement

61 Psalm 34:12-13 12 Do any of you want to live a life that is long and good? 13 Then watch your tongue! Keep your lips from telling lies!

62 ways we must speak the truth ways we must speak the truth 4 4

63 1 1 tell the truth completely

64 Proverbs 10:10 Someone who holds back the truth causes trouble.

65 Proverbs 28:23 In the end, people appreciate frankness more than flattery.

66 2 2 tell the truth consistently

67 Ephesians 4:15 Let our lives lovingly express the truth in all things – speaking truly, dealing truly, living truly.

68 Proverbs 11:3 … people who can’t be trusted are destroyed by their own dishonesty.

69 3 3 tell the truth lovingly

70 Ephesians 4:29 Speak only what is helpful for building others up, according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.

71 When you shoot an arrow, dip it in honey first. - Old Arab Proverb When you shoot an arrow, dip it in honey first. - Old Arab Proverb

72 A.People change easier and faster when you speak the truth in a spirit of love. Changing Others

73 B.People always perceive truth without love as an attack on them, which causes them to resist it and become defensive. Changing Others

74 Ask yourself … Who am I trying to benefit? Ask yourself … Who am I trying to benefit? Changing Others

75 Absolute statements and exaggerations always POLARIZE conversations and PROHIBIT constructive communication. Changing Others

76 Real communication + Real determination = Progress Real communication + Real determination = Progress Changing Others

77 Proverbs 13:17 Reliable communication permits progress.

78 4 4 tell the truth tactfully

79 Proverbs 12:18 Sharp words cut like a sword, but words of wisdom heal.

80 HONESTY means that everything you say must be true, not that everything true must be said HONESTY means that everything you say must be true, not that everything true must be said

81 TIMING is everything in solving problems in a marriage or in a family TIMING is everything in solving problems in a marriage or in a family

82 Ecclesiastes 8:6 There is a right time and a right way to do everything …

83 The beginning of honesty is the confession of dishonesty

84 ReputationCharacter …is what others think I am …is what I really am …is what I am when others are looking …is what I am when no one is looking …will last for a lifetime …will last for eternity …is what impresses people …is what impresses God

85 ReputationCharacter …is what others think I am …is what I really am …is what I am when others are looking …is what I am when no one is looking …will last for a lifetime …will last for eternity …is what impresses people …is what impresses God

86 ReputationCharacter …is what others think I am …is what I really am …is what I am when others are looking …is what I am when no one is looking …will last for a lifetime …will last for eternity …is what impresses people …is what impresses God

87 ReputationCharacter …is what others think I am …is what I really am …is what I am when others are looking …is what I am when no one is looking …will last for a lifetime …will last for eternity …is what impresses people …is what impresses God

88 ReputationCharacter …is what others think I am …is what I really am …is what I am when others are looking …is what I am when no one is looking …will last for a lifetime …will last for eternity …is what impresses people …is what impresses God

89 ReputationCharacter …is what others think I am …is what I really am …is what I am when others are looking …is what I am when no one is looking …will last for a lifetime …will last for eternity …is what impresses people …is what impresses God

90 ReputationCharacter …is what others think I am …is what I really am …is what I am when others are looking …is what I am when no one is looking …will last for a lifetime …will last for eternity …is what impresses people …is what impresses God

91 ReputationCharacter …is what others think I am …is what I really am …is what I am when others are looking …is what I am when no one is looking …will last for a lifetime …will last for eternity …is what impresses people …is what impresses God

92 ReputationCharacter …is what others think I am …is what I really am …is what I am when others are looking …is what I am when no one is looking …will last for a lifetime …will last for eternity …is what impresses people …is what impresses God

93 Matthew 12:34 … for the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.

94 Habit 9: Speak The Truth Habit 9: Speak The Truth


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