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Presentation on theme: "Habits."— Presentation transcript:

1 Habits

2 Habits What are Habits? Things we do repeatedly. Most of the time we are hardly aware that we have them. Their are actions we do no autopilot. Examples of Good habits: Exercising, planning ahead, respect Examples of bad habits: thinking negatively, lying, blaming Examples of habits that do not really matter: taking a shower, eating yogurt with a fork

3 Habits Continued… Depending on what they are, our habits can make or break us. We become what we repeatedly do. Luckily, we are stronger than our habits; therefore, we can change them. It takes about a month (of practice) to learn or unlearn habits.

4 7 Habits of highly defective people
Habit 1: react Blame all of your problems on your parents, your stupid teachers or something or somebody else You are the victim, taking no responsibility for your life You act like an animal, if you are hungry you eat, if someone yells at you, you yell back

5 7 Habits of highly defective people continued….
Habit 2: begin with No end in mind You do not have a plan You avoid goals at all costs, and never think about tomorrow Why worry about the consequences of your actions?

6 7 Habits of highly defective people continued….
Habit 3: Put first things last Whatever is most important in your life, you do not do until you have spent sufficient time watching reruns, spending endless hours on the computer, etc… You make sure that things do not matter always come before things that do

7 7 Habits of highly defective people continued….
Habit 4: Think Win-Lose You see life as a vicious competition You do not let anyone else succeed at anything because, remember, if they win you will lose If it looks like your going to lose, however, make sure you drag everyone else down with you

8 7 Habits of highly defective people continued….
Habit 5: See first to talk, and then pretend to listen You were born with a mouth, so use it Make sure you talk a lot Once you are sure everyone understands your views, then pretend to listen by nodding and saying “uh-huh”

9 7 Habits of highly defective people continued….
Habit 6: Do Not Cooperate Let’s face it, other people are weird because they are different from you So why try to get along with them? Teamwork is for the dogs Since you always have the best ideas, you are better off doing everything by yourself

10 7 Habits of highly defective people continued….
Habit 7: wear yourself out Be so busy with your life that you never take time to renew or improve yourself Never study Do not learn anything new

11 Three changeable destructive habits
Identify three of the seven destructive habits that your think best explain some of your habits or tendencies. Why do each of these habits best relate to you? Do you think the habits are useful/helpful for you or do you think that they are hindering your ability to move forward in a positive direction? Change the wording of the habits to make them positive. Write down the change. Explain why you would consider your new habit to be positive. Outline ways this new habit will help to move you in a more positive direction Do you think any of the seven destructive habits are really positive habits to have in today’s society? Why?

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