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AREN’T YOU GLAD YOU’RE NOT PINOCCHIO? ABHOR - To regard something as repugnant or loathsome.

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Presentation on theme: "AREN’T YOU GLAD YOU’RE NOT PINOCCHIO? ABHOR - To regard something as repugnant or loathsome."— Presentation transcript:



3 AREN’T YOU GLAD YOU’RE NOT PINOCCHIO? ABHOR - To regard something as repugnant or loathsome.

4 AREN’T YOU GLAD YOU’RE NOT PINOCCHIO? ABOMINATION - An act that is wicked, sinful, immoral, or corrupt.

5 AREN’T YOU GLAD YOU’RE NOT PINOCCHIO? LIE - A false statement purposely presented as being true.

6 REASONS I LIE 1. To protect my character and reputation 2. To shift blame away from myself 3. To avoid confrontation 4. To avoid consequences 5. To get my own way

7 REASONS I LIE 6. To justify my behavior 7. To be nice 8. To protect someone 9. To hurt someone 10. To make myself feel better

8 REASONS I LIE I. Lying Can Destroy Your _______and ________ (Proverbs 19:9). IntegrityCharacter II. Lying Can Damage Your _________ and ___________ (Luke 10:25-27). Reputation Relationships

9 God desires that we should be truthful down to our core (Psalm 51:6). Those who love God’s law ought to abhor or hate lying just as much as He does (Psalm 119:163).

10 Of the seven things God lists as abomination to Him, two of them involve lying (Proverbs 6:17, 19). God hates lying but delights in those who tell the truth (Proverbs 12:22).

11 Whispering lies about someone behind their back is a sure way of damaging a close relationship (Proverbs 16:28).

12 TRY THIS WEEK… Letter Writing Ministry – Contact three people who have been directly impacted by lies you’ve told. Share what you’ve learned and ask their forgiveness.


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