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Doc.: IEEE 802.11-04-1222-r1-0000t Submission November 2004 DellSlide 1 Measurement Methodology Proposal based on Approved Framework Liam Quinn, Fahd Pirzada,

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Presentation on theme: "Doc.: IEEE 802.11-04-1222-r1-0000t Submission November 2004 DellSlide 1 Measurement Methodology Proposal based on Approved Framework Liam Quinn, Fahd Pirzada,"— Presentation transcript:

1 doc.: IEEE 802.11-04-1222-r1-0000t Submission November 2004 DellSlide 1 Measurement Methodology Proposal based on Approved Framework Liam Quinn, Fahd Pirzada, Pratik Mehta Paul Canaan Amer Hassan November 2004

2 doc.: IEEE 802.11-04-1222-r1-0000t Submission November 2004 DellSlide 2 Abstract Background and Scope Proposal for Measurement Methodology –Measurement methodology for Case #1 (Data Applications) –Measurement methodology for battery-operated devices –Partioning approach for Case #2 (Streaming Media Applications) Next Steps

3 doc.: IEEE 802.11-04-1222-r1-0000t Submission November 2004 DellSlide 3 Proposed Timeline for TGt Framework Adoption Pre-Berlin 9 th Sep’04 Usage Case #1 Nov’04 Letter Ballot Mar’05 Framework Adoption Report In Berlin Sep’04 Usage Case #2 Usage Case #3 Jan’05 Metrics/Sub-metrics, Methodology development

4 doc.: IEEE 802.11-04-1222-r1-0000t Submission November 2004 DellSlide 4 Scope ISIS NOT An effort to describe a methodology that conforms to the framework approved in Berlin. Designed to address issues outside the approved TGT framework. An effort to measure performance as observed in various deployment scenarios. Designed to provide functional or compliance tests for WLAN components. A discussion of metrics and sub-metrics that can be measured. A designation of acceptable performance for various metrics and sub-metrics. A discussion of the methodology to measure and analyze performance. This proposal is for Usage Case #1 – Data-oriented usages…

5 doc.: IEEE 802.11-04-1222-r1-0000t Submission November 2004 DellSlide 5 Partitioning Approach for Usage Case #1 1. Data Oriented Applications + Home, Corporate Environment Chariot Throughput + Indoor, Chamber Environment Metrics: Throughput, Range, Directionality Sub-Metrics Path loss, EVM measurements, Interference, Multipath, Noise, SNR, Receive sensitivity, Transmit power Methodology: ? Web Downloads + Indoor Environment Metrics: Latency, Throughput, Range Sub-Metrics Path loss, EVM measurements, Interference, Multipath, Noise, SNR, Receive sensitivity, Transmit power Methodology: ? File transfer, File sharing + Indoor Environment Metrics: Throughput, Range Sub-Metrics Path loss, EVM measurements, Interference, Multipath, Noise, SNR, Receive sensitivity, Transmit power Methodology: ? Usage + Environment  Metrics  Methodology  … Approved as part of TGT focus from Berlin Meeting Case1: A Case1: B Case1: C

6 doc.: IEEE 802.11-04-1222-r1-0000t Submission November 2004 DellSlide 6 Usage Case #1 - Updated 1. Data Oriented Applications + Home, Corporate Environment Chariot Throughput + Indoor, Chamber Environment Metrics: Throughput, Range (dB), Directionality Sub-Metrics.. noted on later slide Methodology: - Over the air testing in controlled environment - Conducted testing with Antenna Radiation Patterns Web Downloads + Indoor Environment Metrics: Latency, Throughput, Range Sub-Metrics Path loss, EVM measurements, Interference, Multipath, Noise, SNR, Receive sensitivity, Transmit power Methodology: ? File transfer + Indoor Environment Metrics: Throughput, Range (meters) Sub-Metrics SNR, Walls (Number, Construction) Methodology: LOS/NLOS, 1 AP to 1 STA, Minimal interference, Turn table Usage + Environment  Metrics  Methodology  … Case1: A Case1: B Case1: C

7 doc.: IEEE 802.11-04-1222-r1-0000t Submission November 2004 DellSlide 7 Case1: A – File Transfer + Indoor Environment Metrics: Throughput (Mbps), Range (meters/feet) Sub-Metrics: SNR, Walls (material, number) Methodology: –Equipment and Setup Single AP to single client (methodology for both APs and STAs) Turn table (for averaging over orientations) Minimal adjacent or co-channel interference –Measurement Steps Timed file transfers: Upload and download Line of sight and Non-LOS –Output to template Described on next page Concerns: –Repeatability

8 doc.: IEEE 802.11-04-1222-r1-0000t Submission November 2004 DellSlide 8 Case1: A – File Transfer + Indoor Environment Device under Test Turn Table Obstruction (if any) Wireless Access Point File ServerUpload Download RangeUploadDownloadLOS/NLOSIf NLOS Throughput No. of WallsMaterial Run 11 mx Mbps LOS 1 my Mbps LOS 1 mz Mbps LOS Run 2 RangeThroughput x meters y meters Measurement Equipment & Setup Output to template

9 doc.: IEEE 802.11-04-1222-r1-0000t Submission November 2004 DellSlide 9 Case1: A – LOS/NLOS Data (Indoor Testing) Dell Latitude D600 – 802.11b/g Linksys WRT54G – Mixed mode – Channel 6 QCheck TCP Throughput (1kbps data size – 3 iterations) Note: Existing 802.11g deployment in corporate environment (worst case scenario) Mixed mode scenario for 802.11g (worst case scenario) Low data size for QCheck Throughput tests (worst case scenario) Variability in data points (standard deviation from average) Conclusion Better understanding of real-life scenarios Significantly lower standard deviation with less interference and 802.11g only mode. 5 feet 65 feet 85 feet 125 feet

10 doc.: IEEE 802.11-04-1222-r1-0000t Submission November 2004 DellSlide 10 Case1: A – LOS Data (Outdoor Testing) Dell Latitude D600 – 802.11g Netgear FWAG114 – Mixed mode – Channel 6 NTTCP Throughput Note: Low variability of throughput from run to run Ability to perform crisp comparisons between various APs and WLAN clients Close range data resembles testing in indoor LOS environment Conclusion The next best thing if a RF chamber is not available Does not correlate to NLOS, multipath based indoor environments.

11 doc.: IEEE 802.11-04-1222-r1-0000t Submission November 2004 DellSlide 11 Case1: B – Web downloads + Indoor Environment Upon further study, this can be collapsed onto Case-1A

12 doc.: IEEE 802.11-04-1222-r1-0000t Submission November 2004 DellSlide 12 Case1: C – Throughput + Indoor, Chamber Over-the-air Testing Metrics: Throughput (Mbps), Range(dB) Sub-Metrics: –EVM Measurements –Interference, Multipath, Noise, SNR –Total Isotropic Sensitivity, Total Radiated Power at various data rates (Foegelle) –FRMOL (Forwarding rate under max. offered load) (Mandeville) –MSDU loss rate (MAC service data unit) (Mandeville) Methodology: –Equipment and Setup Foegelle - IEEE 802.11-03/675r1 –Measurement Steps –Output to template

13 doc.: IEEE 802.11-04-1222-r1-0000t Submission November 2004 DellSlide 13 Case1: C – Throughput + Indoor, Chamber Conducted Testing + Antenna Radiation Pattern Metrics: Throughput (Mbps), Range(dB) Sub-Metrics: All the metrics mentioned on last slide + ARP Methodology: –Equipment and Setup –Measurement Steps –Output to template Reference: Charles Wright et al - 802.11-04/1157 Concerns: Multiple APs and impact on clients (roaming/switching/load balancing)

14 doc.: IEEE 802.11-04-1222-r1-0000t Submission November 2004 DellSlide 14 Analysis & Correlation: Usage Case #1 1. Data Oriented Applications + Home, Corporate Environment Throughput + Chamber Environment Web Downloads + Indoor Environment Throughput + Indoor Environment Analysis & Validation Propagation models: Attenuation + Interference (multipath, fading etc.) = Range PHY Layer: Receiver Sensitivity + Antenna Radiation Pattern = Range MAC Layer: Forwarding Rate + Loss = Throughput …... Case1: A Case1: B Case1: C Correlation Application layer characteristics MAC/ PHY Characteristics

15 doc.: IEEE 802.11-04-1222-r1-0000t Submission November 2004 DellSlide 15 Case1: D – Battery Usage + Indoor Environment Metrics: Battery Life, Response Time Sub-Metrics: Power draw (mW), Throughput Methodology: –Equipment and Setup Single AP to single client Minimal adjacent or co-channel interference Data + Multimedia workload downloaded to web browser application –Measurement Steps Response Time (Latency) of workload on client Battery life at the end of run –Output to template Concerns: –Relationship of WLAN sub-system power draw with system battery life Methodology for Battery-operated 802.11 devices

16 doc.: IEEE 802.11-04-1222-r1-0000t Submission November 2004 DellSlide 16 Partitioning Approach for Usage Case #2 2. Streaming Media Apps + Home, Corporate Environment AV streaming + Controlled Environment Metrics: Frames dropped, Image quality, Range. Sub-Metrics Multipath, Noise, SNR, Forwarding rate, loss rate. Methodology: ? Multiple AV streams + Indoor Environment Metrics: Frames dropped, Image quality, Range, Bandwidth utilization. Sub-Metrics Interference, Multipath, Noise, SNR, Throughput Methodology: ? SDTV/HDTV quality streaming + Indoor Environment Metrics: Frames dropped, Image quality, Range Sub-Metrics Interference, Multipath, Noise, SNR. Methodology: ? Case2: A Case2: B Case2: C

17 doc.: IEEE 802.11-04-1222-r1-0000t Submission November 2004 DellSlide 17 Next Steps Get agreement on the methodology for Usage Case #1 based on the approved framework Align and approve in San Antonio meeting in TGT Develop the Usage Cases #2 and #3 further –Sanitize and update the metrics and sub-metrics –Hone in on the Methodology components, test environment, procedure, etc. –Finalizing the test case templates for reporting and analysis Draft recommended practices specification –Include definitions and terminology

18 doc.: IEEE 802.11-04-1222-r1-0000t Submission November 2004 DellSlide 18 Backup

19 doc.: IEEE 802.11-04-1222-r1-0000t Submission November 2004 DellSlide 19 Parking Lot for Metrics and Sub-metrics ApplicationTransportData LinkPhysical Layer Performance metrics by OSI model layers Proposing a “parking-lot” list of parameters – determine whether they are metrics or sub-metrics, or part of the methodology, and which of the usage cases they apply to …

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