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 What is it?  What are they?  What is it?  How does it work?  DNA is isolated  DNA is copied with PCR  Cut with restriction enzymes  Run through.

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Presentation on theme: " What is it?  What are they?  What is it?  How does it work?  DNA is isolated  DNA is copied with PCR  Cut with restriction enzymes  Run through."— Presentation transcript:


2  What is it?

3  What are they?

4  What is it?  How does it work?  DNA is isolated  DNA is copied with PCR  Cut with restriction enzymes  Run through charged gel box  Compared


6  What are they?  How are they made?  PCR makes lots of copies of the gene  Chosen gene is cut with restriction enzymes, leaving “sticky ends”  Circular bacterial DNA is cut with same restriction enzymes, leaving “sticky ends”  Cut pieces are joined together, so bacteria now produces protein in gene

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