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Chapter 3 should describe what will be done to answer the research question(s), describe how it will be done and justify the research design, and explain.

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2 Chapter 3 should describe what will be done to answer the research question(s), describe how it will be done and justify the research design, and explain how the results will be analyzed. 2

3 Methodology Chapter Scientific writing is direct and orderly. Therefore, the methodology chapter should describe the materials used in the study, explain how the materials are prepared for the study, describe the research protocol, explain how measurements are made and what calculations are performed, and state which statistical tests are done to analyze the data. 3

4 It must be written with enough information so that the study could be repeated by others to evaluate whether the results are reproducible the audience can judge whether the results and conclusions are valid. 4 Methodology Chapter (Cont.)

5 Participants Describe, in detail, the process to follow for selecting the research participants (the sampling method). Judging the external validity of a study involving human participants (i.e., to whom the study results may be applied) requires that descriptive data be provided regarding the basic demographic profile of the sample population, including age, gender, and Possibly, the racial composition of the sample. 5

6 Measurements/ Instrumentations The next step in the methodology chapter is to describe what variables will be measured and how those measurements will be made. 6

7 How long will it take to administer the instrument? Are the directions clear? How easy is it to score the instrument? Do equivalent forms of the instrument exist? Have any problems been reported by others who used it? If applicable, how was the instrument normed? Provide information on the instrument’s validity and reliability. 7 Measurements/ Instrumentations (Cont.)

8 Research Design The research design is the sequence of manipulations and measurement procedures that make up the study. Its description should follow the exact sequence of how the procedures will be executed. Most important, you should provide a clear justification for choosing a specific research design. The research design should allow you to answer the research question. 8

9 Research Design (Cont.) 9 Experimental WeakestStrongest One-group posttest only Pretest-Posttest control group One-group pretest-posttest Posttest only control group Posttest only Factorial design Non-Experimental Causal-Comparative Correlational Quasi-Experimental Nonequivalent comparison group Interrupted time series Regression discontinuity Single Case Design A-B-A A-B-A-B Multiple baseline

10 Procedures The methodology chapter should describe the steps to carry out the research. Where will the data be collected? When will the data be collected? How often are the data to be collected? Who is to collect the data? 10

11 Data Analysis The methodology chapter should describe the applicable summary descriptive statistics or how the data will be presented in the results section (e.g., mean vs. median), which statistical tests will be used for the inferential data analysis, and what p value is deemed to indicate a statistically significant difference. 11

12 Ethical Considerations When working with subjects, there must be a declaration that the study protocol adheres to ethical principles. Obtain IRB approval. Respect the rights of the participants (consent and assent forms). Honor the requests and restrictions of the research site (institutional and site specific). Report the research fully and honestly. Creswell, J. W. (2012). Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.12

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