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Ä Deca prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality and management.

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1 ä Deca prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality and management.

2 Our Brand captures the essence of our organization and communicates it to all of our key audiences

3 DECA’s Comprehensive Learning Program  Integrates into Classroom instruction  Applies Learning  Connects to Business  Promotes Competition DECA prepares the next generation to be ä Academically prepared ä Community Oriented ä Professionally Responsible ä Experienced Leaders

4 DIVISIONS OF DECA ä High School ä Delta Epsilon Chi (Junior Collegiate) ä Collegiate ä Alumni  Professional

5 DISTRICTCDC ST. LOUIS MISSOURISTATECDC LAKE OF THE OZARKS Career Development Conferences (CDC) International Competition Orlando, Florida Central Region leadership Chicago

6 DECA Competitive Events ä Compete in District, State & National Competition ä Events include: ä Retail Merchandising ä Advertising Campaign ä Fashion Promotion ä Entrepreneurship ä Sports Marketing “Orlando Here I !” Come!” PSH Student Qualifies for National DECA Competition in Orlando, Florida

7 DECA Activities ä State Fall Leadership/Officer Elections Lake of the Ozarks Lake of the Ozarks October 17-19 October 17-19 ä Central Region Leadership Conference December 4-6 Chicago, Illinois ä New York Trip January 12-16 January 12-16 ä International DECA (Competition) (Competition) Orlando, Florida Orlando, Florida April 29 - May 4 State Career Development Conference (CDC) (Competition) March 13-15 Lake of the Ozarks

8 ä Parkway South High--Program of Activities ä Sponsor school activities ä Community service ä Career activities ä Professional activities ä Trips ä Dress for Success Days ä “DECA Does it Right” Days DECA Activities

9 DECA OFFICER Positions ä President (Mkt 2) ä Vice President (Mkt 2) ä Marketing Assistant (Mkt 2) ä Marketing Director (Mkt 2) ä 2 Community Service Co- Chairmen (Mkt 1 & 2) ä 2 Social Co-Chairmen (Mkt 1 & 2) ä 2 Promotional Co- Chairmen (Mkt 1 & Mkt 2) ä 11 Class Representatives (Mkt 1 & 2)

10 DECA Officer Elections ä President (Marketing 2)-plans and conducts officer meetings, works with committees, represents the chapter, documents Chapter activities ä Vice President (Marketing 2)-assists the president and oversees all committees

11 DECA Officers…… continued ä Marketing Assistant (Formerly Secretary/Treasurer- Marketing 2)-writes all correspondence and summaries for the principals newsletter; & collects, counts, & deposits fundraiser money ä Marketing Director (Marketing 2)-Designs and creates all posters and organizes all ä club promotions

12 DECA Officers…… continued Community Service Co-Chairmen-(1 co-chair Marketing 2 & 1 co-chair Marketing 1) Community Service Co-Chairmen-(1 co-chair Marketing 2 & 1 co-chair Marketing 1) Will plan community service activities for chapter and will lead community service committee

13 DECA Officers…… continued Social Co-Chairmen- (1 co-chair Marketing 2 & 1 co-chair Marketing 1) Will assist marketing director with school promotional activities; will plan social activities for chapter, and lead social committee

14 DECA Officers…… continued ä Promotional Co-Chairmen- (1 co-chair Marketing 2 & 1 co-chair Marketing 1) ä Will plan “DECA Does it Right”;will lead the promotional committee, and assist the committee, and assist the marketing director marketing director

15 DECA Officers…… continued Class Representatives-represent respective classes at all officer meetings

16 Parkway South Elections ä Officers Election Dates: August 30 th (Monday Blue DAY) August 31 st (Tuesday Red Day) ä Election Promotional Materials due by: AUGUST 27 th (Friday)

17 Go for the GOLD! We’re all WINNERS! #1

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