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Creating a Collaborative AP Statistics Community Mandi Kraemer Freedom High School Orlando, Florida

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1 Creating a Collaborative AP Statistics Community Mandi Kraemer Freedom High School Orlando, Florida

2 My Context  Low income school, lots of ELL students  Began “encouraging” AP Stats 4 years ago  AP Stats population grew from 28 to 210!  Brought challenges and opportunities  Collaboration!

3 What We Do  Plan lessons together  Create common assessments  Analyze data  Conduct completely non-randomized experiments

4 What if I’m a loner?  Orange County Public Schools District-Wide Advanced Placement Professional Learning Communities (OCPSDWAPPLC’s)  Initially met during pre-planning at AP Summit  Meet 3x throughout school year (Saturdays)  4-5 hours at a time

5 OCPSDWAPPLC’s  Share lessons  Discuss issues  Give and analyze common assessments  How to grow program  Practice Exam data  Next year: AP Exam data

6 What if I’m still a loner?  Internet!  Skype/Google hangouts  Look around  AP Teacher Communities (formerly Electronic Discussion Groups)

7 Questions? Comments?  Mandi Kraemer 

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