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Orlando District Apopka High School. Orlando Learning Education Committee (LEC) I am very gracious for the time given by Miss Mariel Milano, Engineering.

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Presentation on theme: "Orlando District Apopka High School. Orlando Learning Education Committee (LEC) I am very gracious for the time given by Miss Mariel Milano, Engineering."— Presentation transcript:

1 Orlando District Apopka High School

2 Orlando Learning Education Committee (LEC) I am very gracious for the time given by Miss Mariel Milano, Engineering Science Consultant for the Orlando District. I am also very appreciative of the support given by the Leading Education Committee in supporting my visit and participation in very valuable workshops and school visits.

3 LEC Day 1: Participated in Leadership Expo for LEC and leaders (Principals/Deputy Principals) of all schools in the district. The Expo was to go for 3 days. The focus was on teaching literacy in the 21Century. Day 2: Worked with Biology teachers on developing resources for project styled learning.

4 Mrs Rhonda Harris’ Biology class Rhonda has worked hard at developing self -directed learning in the Biology class, where students worked independently or in groups. She also teaches the same topic throughout the day to different classes, using the online resources provided by the textbook company, and her own practical components.

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