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Buffer Overflow Attack-proofing by Transforming Code Binary Gopal Gupta Parag Doshi, R. Reghuramalingam The University of Texas at Dallas 11/15/2004.

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Presentation on theme: "Buffer Overflow Attack-proofing by Transforming Code Binary Gopal Gupta Parag Doshi, R. Reghuramalingam The University of Texas at Dallas 11/15/2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 Buffer Overflow Attack-proofing by Transforming Code Binary Gopal Gupta Parag Doshi, R. Reghuramalingam The University of Texas at Dallas 11/15/2004

2 3 rd Party Software: Risky But, the Integrated System has a vulnerability Cost Companies

3 Buffer Overflow Attacks Buffer Overflow Attacks (B.O.A): A majority of attacks for which advisories are issued are based on B.O.A. Other forms of attacks, such as distributed denial of service attacks, sometimes rely on B.O.A. B.O.A. exploit the memory organization of the traditional activation stack model to overwrite the return address B.O.A. becomes possible due to bad SW engg practices Software purchaser has no way to prevent B.O.A.s and can’t do much.

4 Buffer Overflow: Security Concern Percentage of buffer overflows listed in CERT advisories each year Some examples include Windows 2003 server, sendmail, windows HTML conversion library Percentage of Buffer Overflows Per Year as listed by CERT [1]

5 Most Recent Warning Sourcefire Snort DCE/RPC Preprocessor Buffer Overflow Original release date: February 19, 2007 Last revised: -- Source: US-CERT Systems Affectedrevised Snort 2.6.1,, and Snort 2.7.0 beta 1 Sourcefire Intrusion Sensors version 4.1.x, 4.5.x, and 4.6x with SEUs prior to SEU 64 Sourcefire Intrusion Sensors for Crossbeam version 4.1.x, 4.5.x, and 4.6x with SEUs prior to SEU 64 Other products that use Snort or Snort components may be affected. Overview A stack buffer overflow vulnerability in the Sourcefire Snort DCE/RPC preprocessor could allow an unauthenticated, remote attacker to execute arbitrary code with the privileges of the Snort process.

6 BOA Prevention B.O.A. done by exploiting the memory model used by most language implementation to overwrite return address. This memory organization can be slightly changed so as to prevent buffer overflows overwriting return addresses. Our system automatically transforms code binaries in accordance to this modified memory organization, thereby preventing most common forms of B.O.A.s. Our tool can be used on third-party s/w and off-the-shelf products, & does not require access to source code

7 Buffer Overflow Attack-proofing Sample Code void fn (char *a, char* b, char* c) { char buffer1[8]; } void main( ){ fn(“foo”, “bar”, “ren”); } Stack at the start ESP Stack Heap Data Code 00 ff ff

8 Stack Organization: Before a Call Sample Code void fn (char* a, char* b, char* c){ char buffer1[8]; } void main( ){ fn(“foo”, “bar”, “ren”); } Stack before a call Parameters Heap, Data & Code Param 3 = “ren” Param 2 = “bar” Param 1 = “foo” ESP Stack

9 Stack Organization: After a Call Sample Code void fn (char* a, char* b, char* c){ char buffer1[8]; } void main( ){ fn(“foo”, “bar”, “ren”); } Stack after a function call Local variables... Stack Param 3 = “foo” Param 2 = “bar” Param 1 = “ren” Return address ebp Local variables Heap, Data & Code EBP ESP

10 Buffer Overflow Sample Code void fn (char *str){ char buffer1[8]; strcpy (buffer1, str); } void main( ){ char large_str[256] ; for (int i=0; i<255; i++) large_str[i] = ‘A’; fn(large_str); Label: } New return address =41414141 Stack showing buffer overflow Stack Large_str (Size = 64) Return address ebp Buffer1 (Size = 2) Strcpy writes 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 Label: Pointer Garbage 41 41

11 Abusing the Buffer Overflow Step 1: Overwrite the return address with an address that points ‘back’ to the buffer area Step 2: Insert code that you wish to execute in the buffer area Step 3: Buffer start of inserted code with NOP instructions Step 4: Eliminate any null values in inserted code Stack used to abuse Buffer Overflow Stack Return Address ebp NOP mov eax,ebx add eax, 1

12 Buffer Overflow Solutions RAD: RAD stores the return address in RAR area It is a gcc compiler patch. All code has to recompiled Stackguard: Stackguard inserts a ‘canary’ word to protect return address The ‘canary’ word can be compromised Splint: Splint allows the user to write annotations in the code that define allocated and used sizes User is required to write annotations Wagner’s Prevention Method: Static analysis solution Depends on source code availability

13 BinarySecure: An Overview Buffer Overflow is achieved by overwriting the return address If return addresses are recorded in a separate area, away from the buffer overflow, then they cannot be overwritten So modify the memory organization to add a new auxiliary return address stack, allocated in an area opposite to the direction of buffer write/overflow --When a function call returns, it uses the return address from this new stack Transform the binary to make it consistent with this new memory organization.

14 BinarySecure: Return Address The return address is saved as part of the program execution stack The auxiliary stack is allocated at the bottom of the program stack This stack is uncompromised as memory writes occur in the opposite direction Overflow Direction

15 BinarySecure

16 Binary Secure: Specifications These are some of the conditions that must hold Code must be re-entrant Code should not modify the stack pointer Processor: Intel x386 Compiler: Dev C++ compiler Platform: Windows

17 Advantages Binary code is analysed. This can be used on third-party software where one does not have access to source code. Run-time checks require modification to the source code (Splint) Compiler modifications are costly and performing changes to all available compilers is not possible. (RAD, Stackguard) Return addresses are stored on the stack itself. Hence overhead incurred while accessing addresses in other areas is reduced.

18 3 rd Party Software: After passing through Binary Secure WOW!!!! It works… Transform each component downloaded

19 Questions…

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