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Moderation process 2011-2012 Session 1. Aims of the session To moderate Autumn observations with other colleagues for security of judgements To use the.

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Presentation on theme: "Moderation process 2011-2012 Session 1. Aims of the session To moderate Autumn observations with other colleagues for security of judgements To use the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Moderation process 2011-2012 Session 1

2 Aims of the session To moderate Autumn observations with other colleagues for security of judgements To use the data to inform planning for priorities, practice and provision needs To increase understanding of progress across EYFSP

3 Attainment on Entry How do we ensure a secure baseline? Transition arrangements from nursery/settings Practitioner understanding and use of information from previous settings Use of observational assessments to secure judgements no later than the end of the 1 st half term

4 Using previous EYFS assessments Translation document Age related expectation Progress expected

5 Current Age related advice Attainment on entry to reception at age four: most children are likely to demonstrate some of the elements of skill, knowledge and understanding within the development matters band for 40–60+ months, in addition to all of the elements in the preceding band for 30–50 months. This may be referred to as the age-related expectation at the beginning of reception. Attainment on entry is likely to be below age-related expectations where a substantial proportion of children in a school has not demonstrated all of the elements in the 30–50 month band. ‘Most’ means the majority or nearly all children. Ofsted’s definition of ‘most’ is 80%–96%. ‘Substantial proportion’ means more than the 20 per cent that might be outside the definition of ‘most’.

6 Progress in EYFS Depends on a child’s starting point

7 What to do next with the baseline Look at the information for cohort priority needs. (Any strands lower/higher) Use the summary to identify higher and lower achievers

8 ClassTeacher Pupils working within40 to 60 months scoring 39+ points How will these pupils be challenged and extended ? AgerelatedAgerelated Pupils working towards GLD (26+ and 2+ in all 7 strands of PSE and CLL) PSED CLLPRSNKUWPDCD DASDEDLCTLSLREWRNLCCalSSM Pupils scoring 26+ but not 2+ in all strands. Pupils scoring below 26 points. Pupils scoring 0 in identified strands.

9 Task 1 Use the paper tracker to plot the 3 children Use tracker to inform which children are working at Age related expectation/ below/above

10 Task 2 Choose 6 Observations on your table and Label A to F Use EYFSP handbook to moderate each child’s observations in pairs Record evidence agreed on EYFSP grids Feedback from groups

11 Prepare to bring to next session Summative printout for Autumn 2 Observations for the same 3 children for KUW and PSED (including an extended observation) Completed attainment end of Autumn term. On BSO.

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