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Relativistic mean field and RPA with negative energy states for finite nuclei Akihiro Haga, Hiroshi Toki, Setsuo Tamenaga, Yoko Ogawa, Research Center.

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Presentation on theme: "Relativistic mean field and RPA with negative energy states for finite nuclei Akihiro Haga, Hiroshi Toki, Setsuo Tamenaga, Yoko Ogawa, Research Center."— Presentation transcript:

1 Relativistic mean field and RPA with negative energy states for finite nuclei Akihiro Haga, Hiroshi Toki, Setsuo Tamenaga, Yoko Ogawa, Research Center for Nuclear Physics (RCNP), Osaka University Yataro Horikawa Department of Physics, Juntendo Univerty INPC 6/6, 2007 at Tokyo International Forum

2 Introduction It has been reported that the negative-energy state has an important role, 1. to remove the spurious state and to satisfy the current conservation for the transition density (J. Dawson et al., PRC42, 2009 (1990)), 2. to identify the giant resonances (P. Ring et al., NPA694, 249 (2001)), 3. to give a new quenching of the Gamow-Teller strength (H. Kurasawa et al., PRL91, 062501 (2003)), 4. to restore the gauge invariance in nuclear polarization correction of muonic atoms (A. Haga et al., PRC69, 044308 (2004)). ⇒ The no-sea approximation was made in these studies. G. Mao el al. have indicated that nuclear properties are reasonably well even negative energy states are considered in terms of the derivative expansion, the RHA calculation (vacuum polarization). G. Mao, H. Stocker, and W. Greiner, Int. J. Mod. Phys. E8, 389 (1999) G. Mao, Phys. Rev. C67, 044318 (2003) ⇒ The effective mass should be larger than the conventional RMF predicts. We have also developed the fully self-consistent finite calculation with the vacuum polarization within a framework of RHA and RPA; A. Haga, S. Tamenaga, H. Toki, and Y. Horikawa, PRC70, 064322 (2004), A. Haga, H. Toki, S. Tamenaga, Y. Horikawa, and H.L.Yadav PRC72, 034301 (2005).

3 The treatment of negative energy states The Dirac sea should be occupied. The Dirac sea is unoccupied (no-sea approximation). The mean field is constructed without negative energy nucleons. Nucleons can be excited down in the negative energy states. (This contribution is important !) The mean field is constructed with negative energy nucleons. Nucleons are excited up from the negative energy states.

4 Introduction It has been reported that the negative-energy state has an important role, 1. to remove the spurious state and to satisfy the current conservation for the transition density (J. Dawson et al., PRC42, 2009 (1990)), 2. to identify the giant resonances (P. Ring et al., NPA694, 249 (2001)), 3. to give a new quenching of the Gamow-Teller strength (H. Kurasawa et al., PRL91, 062501 (2003)), 4. to restore the gauge invariance in nuclear polarization correction of muonic atoms (A. Haga et al., PRC69, 044308 (2004)). ⇒ The no-sea approximation was made in these studies. G. Mao el al. have indicated that nuclear properties are reasonably well even negative energy states are considered in terms of the derivative expansion, the RHA calculation (vacuum polarization). G. Mao, H. Stocker, and W. Greiner, Int. J. Mod. Phys. E8, 389 (1999) G. Mao, Phys. Rev. C67, 044318 (2003) ⇒ The effective mass should be larger than the conventional RMF predicts. We have developed the fully self-consistent finite calculation with the negative- energy states within a framework of RHA and RPA; A. Haga, S. Tamenaga, H. Toki, and Y. Horikawa, PRC70, 064322 (2004), A. Haga, H. Toki, S. Tamenaga, Y. Horikawa, and H.L.Yadav PRC72, 034301 (2005).

5 Example of the negative-energy effect ~ Baryon density ~ ××××× ×× ×× CFCF A. Haga, S. Tamenaga, H. Toki, and Y. Horikawa, PRC70, 064322 (2004), Dirac Green’s function in a finite system ; ~ 0 Green’s function method Renormalized with the counter term.

6 Scalar and vector mean-field potentials The effective mass should be large in the model including negative energy contribution. Scalar meson field Vector meson field With negative- energy nucleons Without negative- energy nucleons With negative- energy nucleons Without negative- energy nucleons Scalar and vector potentials are reduced largely as the negative energy nucleons are explicitly considered. In other words,

7 Comparison with the local-density approximation and the derivative expansion of meson fields Derivative expansion agrees with the rigorous calculation very well !! (b) Correction to scalar density(a) Correction to baryon density Rigorous calculation is very time consuming!

8 Lagrangian density for nuclear part Negative - energy contribution Parameters g σ g 2 g 3 g ω g ρ f ω g’ m σ, For the ground state, this was studied by G. Mao, H. Stocker, and W. Greiner, Int. J. Mod. Phys. E8, 389 (1999); G. Mao, Phys. Rev. C67, 044318 (2003). ・・・

9 Fully-consistent RPA calculation Uncorrelated polarization function obtained by the Green ’ s function ; AB Density part Feynman part (Vacuum polarization) which is estimated by the derivative expansion; A. Haga, H. Toki, S. Tamenaga, Y. Horikawa, and H. L.Yadav PRC72, 034301 (2005).

10 Nuclear excitations with the self-consistent RHA+RPA Quadrupole resonances can be reproduced by enhanced nucleon effective mass The RPA equation (the BS equation) ;

11 Negative energy contribution to GT quenching Feynman term RHAT m*=0.80m TM1 m*=0.63m NL3 m*=0.60m Ikeda sum 95% (~5%)89.0%(6.29% ) 88.4%(6.80% ) 208 Pb The rest comes from the excitations concerning with antinucleon states. Excitation energy Strength No-sea approximation In nuclear matter ~12% (H. Kurasawa et al., PRL91, 062501 (2003)),

12 Summary We have developed the method to include the negative energy states in the nuclear ground states and excited states for finite nuclei. The negative energy contribution produces the repulsive scalar potential, and as a result, the large effective mass is provided. The negative energy contribution is described by the derivative expansion method well. The nuclear excitations, in particular, quadrupole resonances can be reproduced with this method. The large effective mass should be confirmed by the Dirac- Brueckner-Hartree-Fock calculation with the vacuum polarization. This study is in progress.

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