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Social Media in the Classroom Cindy Royal, Ph.D Associate Professor Texas State University School of Journalism and Mass Communication

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1 Social Media in the Classroom Cindy Royal, Ph.D Associate Professor Texas State University School of Journalism and Mass Communication

2 Social Media in the Classroom Teach students professional use of social media to achieve goals: promote, interact, share, connect and evaluate Any class, whether technology-related or not, can use social media to engage students Many colleges now include Social Media- specific courses Social media can be used in special projects or events

3 Blogs Use blogs as discussion forums for courses; encourage students to fully utilize features of blog: links, images, embedded media, commenting

4 Twitter Set up accounts Follower recommendations around course topic ex. Follow local or national politicians or media that focus on politics, like @texastribune Encourage students to follow meetup groups in their field and attend events in real life Twitter assignments Use of course hashtag

5 Facebook Set up a Facebook group or page for class – students don't need to “friend” instructor Show examples of Facebook pages for groups and entities

6 YouTube Search the site to find instructional or related videos Have an assignment where students find relevant videos and embed on blog

7 LinkedIn Regardless of whether it is course-related or not, all instructors should encourage students to sign up on LinkedIn. It's a great way to start their professional networks. Professors' networks can be helpful to students.

8 Guest Speakers Always great to have guest speakers, whether in person or via Skype.

9 Social Media Course Social Media at Work – Goal of course is for students to explore the concept of professional uses of social media and personal branding; students should emerge from the class with a the tools necessary to develop and improve their own personal brand Students create their own blog on a topic; we use Wordpress Twitter and Twitter assignments Facebook group related to blog YouTube video embedding Integrated discussions on current topics and implications

10 Social Media Course

11 Photo and Video Assignments Most students have access to a camera that shoots photos and video Students are to develop both a photo slideshow (using Picasa and Flickr) and a video (uploaded on YouTube) Both projects require context and content; captions for photos; interview or demonstration for video. Students don't need to edit video, just point and shoot. But can if they want to. YouTube even has a video editor now ( Embed media on blog

12 Final Assignment Social Media Strategy paper Can write on ideas for improving own personal brand or how they would implement concepts for an organization Requires background, research, and 4-8 specific strategies with detailed descriptions of how they would implement Summary blog post Many students have indicated that this paper, along with their developed online presence, helped them in interviews and in securing a job Students practice writing, linking, visual journalism and have a perspective on current topics Course itself does not required advanced technical skills, just a curiosity to try out new things.

13 Special Projects

14 Other Examples of Political Use Arrested tweet - 2008 Mumbai attacks - 2008 Iran Election - 2009 Egypt – 2011 Japan earthquake - 2011 Jeff Jarvis use of #fuwashington hashtag Obama tweets for #compromise

15 Find this presentation at

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