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Notes on Negatives. To make a sentence negative in Spanish, you usually put ‘no’ in front of the verb or expression. In English, we usually use ‘not’

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Presentation on theme: "Notes on Negatives. To make a sentence negative in Spanish, you usually put ‘no’ in front of the verb or expression. In English, we usually use ‘not’"— Presentation transcript:

1 Notes on Negatives

2 To make a sentence negative in Spanish, you usually put ‘no’ in front of the verb or expression. In English, we usually use ‘not’ –No me gusta cantar –I do not like to sing

3 To answer a question negatively in Spanish, you often use no twice. The first no answers the question. The second no says ‘I do not…’ This is similar to the way you answer in English, too. –¿Te gusta dibujar? –No, no me gusta

4 In Spanish, you might have to use more than one negative word in a sentence: –¿Te gusta nadar? –No, no me gusta nada

5 If you want to say that you don’t like either of two choices, use ni…ni –No me gusta ni escribir cuentos ni bailar –I don’t like neither writing stories nor dancing Each ‘ni’ comes just before each thing you don’t like

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