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A Combat Support Agency World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-12) Update Chief, International Branch Defense Spectrum Organization (DSO) 14 December.

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Presentation on theme: "A Combat Support Agency World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-12) Update Chief, International Branch Defense Spectrum Organization (DSO) 14 December."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Combat Support Agency World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-12) Update Chief, International Branch Defense Spectrum Organization (DSO) 14 December 2011 A Combat Support Agency Defense Information Systems Agency

2 A Combat Support Agency 2 Disclaimer ******************************************************************************* The information provided in this briefing is for general information purposes only. It does not constitute a commitment on behalf of the United States Government to provide any of the capabilities, systems or equipment presented and in no way obligates the United States Government to enter into any future agreements with regard to the same. The information presented is for the purposes of presentation at the 2011 DoD Spectrum Workshop and may not be disseminated further without the express consent of the United States Government. *******************************************************************************

3 A Combat Support Agency Overview 3 DSO leads DoD strategy development and coordinates preparation of and engagement in the WRCs Inter-American Telecommunication Commission European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations Asia-Pacific Telecommunity African Telecommunications Union Regional Commonwealth in the field of Communications Each Nation has Sovereignty Over the Use of its Spectrum! 3 Alliances NATO CCEB Arab Spectrum Management Group  International Telecommunication Union (ITU)  Review & Revise Radio Regulations – Treaty Status  191 ITU Member States  Operates by Consensus – Rarely vote  Coordinate through Regional Groups – U.S. is part of CITEL  Influence through Alliances  Next WRC scheduled for 23 Jan- 17 Feb 2012 in Geneva: U.S. Ambassador S. Decker Anstrom to lead the 100+ member U.S. delegation

4 A Combat Support Agency 4 The High Stakes for DoD WRC decisions directly affect allocations in all countries where US military systems operate DoD faces growing pressures to reallocate spectrum away from military uses for commercial broadband –WRC-12 will tee up reallocation efforts by industry for the next decade Radar spectrum is vulnerable to constant pressure for reallocation out of lower bands, to make way for mobile services –DoD is working to obtain a new primary allocation for radar in the 15.4-15.7 GHz band, giving U.S. military radars significantly increased capabilities

5 A Combat Support Agency 5 The High Stakes for DoD (cont’d) Future agenda items are particularly crucial at WRC-12 –Other countries are seeking broadband allocations exceeding the 500 MHz currently being implemented in the U.S. –There are also proposals for FSS uplink allocations that could impact DoD spectrum usage

6 A Combat Support Agency High-Priority DoD WRC-12 Agenda Items (AIs) AISubjectSummary 1.2Enhancing the regulatory framework Complex AI seeking to alter regulatory language to accommodate emerging technologies – U.S. & DoD oppose changes 1.3Unmanned aircraft systems (UAS)Complex AI to establish allocation for the safe operation of UAS 1.4 New aeronautical mobile (R) service (AM(R)S) Seeking to facilitate the introduction of new safety of life allocations for radio local area network at airports 1.5Electronic news gathering (ENG) Examining methods to provide ENG users and manufacturers frequency lists for worldwide use 1.15HF oceanographic radar (3-50 MHz)Provide oceanographic radars a regulatory status 1.21Radar allocation at 15 GHz Establish a primary allocation for radars (15.4-15.7 GHz) complicated by international interests in other AIs in the same band 1.25New mobile satellite allocation Study the potential for new Mobile Satellite Service allocation – results of studies have limited international support 7Satellite Network Filings Complex multi-faceted AI examining regulatory changes to the satellite network filing procedures: DoD key issue is maintaining flexibility in the satellite Network notification process – European’s in opposition 8.2Future WRC agenda items Defines work of future conferences – primary issue is broadband wireless access Yellow= covered in this briefing 6 WRC-12 has a total of 33 Agenda Items Nine are considered high priority to DoD 6

7 A Combat Support Agency 7 AI 1.3 – Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Considers the safe operation of civil UAS in non- segregated airspace –Covers Terrestrial (LOS) and Satellite (BLOS) Command & Control (C&C); sense & avoid (S&A) radar functions Ties to AIs 1.21 and 1.25 – all seeking spectrum in same 15 GHz band DoD Impact: –Additional regulatory restrictions may impact DoD UAS operations –Could require additional equipment on platform –Conflicts with DoD objectives for 15 GHz radar DoD Goals: o btain regulatory status for UAS –Satellite: prevent safety-of-life allocation in Fixed Satellite Service (FSS) bands –Terrestrial: gain additional spectrum in 5030-5091 MHz

8 A Combat Support Agency 8 Regulatory status benefits UAS operations: −Reduces transit time and Increases fuel efficiency −Reduces interference issues −Increases training and operational readiness −Reduces possibility for civil aircraft incidents International Opinion: −Satellite: supports safety-of-life (Europe, Asia, Mideast) −Terrestrial: widespread support for 5030-5091 MHz −S&A: Internationally agreement supporting no change −Some support for UAS satellite in 15 GHz band (Europe) −Some discussion of continuing satellite studies AI 1.3 – UAS (cont.)

9 A Combat Support Agency Establish primary allocation for radar in the 15.4-15.7 GHz band DoD Impact: –Provides contiguous 1.9 GHz total radar spectrum for DoD operations (15.4-17.3 GHz) –DoD needs allocation to enhance its current and future Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) capabilities DoD Goal: Gain 300 MHz bandwidth for radar Additional bandwidth benefits civil & military users: –Humanitarian aid & disaster relief efforts –Increased accuracy & image resolution International Opinion: –Competing interests under AIs 1.3 &1.25 –DoD position gaining international support AI 1.21 – 15 GHz Radar 9 Only WRC-12 Agenda Item originated by U.S. DoD 9

10 A Combat Support Agency 10 Additional spectrum for BWA & International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT) Expected to be one of DoD’s most critical WRC-15 items –Wireless industry pushing for globally harmonized IMT bands –Complements U.S. National Broadband Plan and Presidential Memo for finding 500 MHz of spectrum over 10 years –Relocation on an international scale will require extensive DoD resources DoD Impact: DoD spectrum assets in frequencies below 6 GHz may be threatened DoD Goal: limit frequency ranges to be considered, in order to minimize the threat to DoD equities International Opinion: similar proposals from each region AI 8.2 – Future AIs: Broadband Wireless Access

11 A Combat Support Agency 11 Examine additional FSS uplink spectrum to balance FSS spectrum in Region 2 and 3 −Region 2 (CITEL) is short 200 MHz −Region 3 (APT) is short 300 MHz −Region 1 (CEPT) is balanced U.S./DoD Position: support new allocation of 200 MHz in Region 2 between 10-16 GHz −No modification to existing sharing conditions in the 13.75-14.0 GHz band DoD Impact: could Affect the Common Data Link (CDL), Radar systems, UAS, and military satellites Worldview: −Region 2 proposing to examine 10-16 GHz for the FSS uplinks −Region 3 proposing to examine 10-15 GHz for the FSS uplinks AI 8.2 – Future AIs: FSS

12 A Combat Support Agency 12 DoD provides the U.S. WRC Ambassador technical support and regulatory guidance on DoD issues −DoD is a member of the Ambassador's Core delegation DoD will have significant presence at WRC-12 −15 DoD Government employees are members of WRC-12 Delegation as Spokespersons −Several supporting contractors Senior-level VIPs −DoD CIO −DISA Director −DoD CIO Director of Spectrum and Communications Policy −DSO Director During WRC – 2012

13 A Combat Support Agency 13 What to Expect During the Conference −Fast-paced - decisions are made in hours rather than days −DoD delegates will be reaching back to the States for support DoD WRC-12 Home Team −Led by DoD CIO Spectrum & Communications Policy Office −Coordinates reach back support from Military Services and others for WRC-12 Delegation During WRC – 2012 Responsive Home Team is CRITICAL to WRC success 13

14 A Combat Support Agency 14 Conference Preparatory Meeting 2015-1 (CPM-15-1) takes place immediately following WRC-12 CPM-15-1 establishes agenda and work program for WRC-15 Once agenda is established DoD begins studying the impacts and establishing official positions Begins the domestic process of establishing positions WRC-15 will be fast and intensive, since cycle is only 3 years compared to 5 years prior to WRC-12 After WRC – 2012

15 A Combat Support Agency 15 Summary The decisions made at WRC-12 WILL impact DoD spectrum equities – specifically UAS and SAR DoD/DSO engaged – large presence at the WRC Outreach and negotiations continue up-to and during the WRC Home Team support will be crucial to success Challenges will continue in WRC-15 – BWA shaping up to be a major player


17 A Combat Support Agency 17 Backup Slides

18 A Combat Support Agency 18 AI 1.2 Enhance International Regulatory Framework Enhance the international regulatory framework –Convergence of mobile and fixed services, and additional principles for allocating spectrum DoD Impact: –Could negatively effect all systems and operations –Proposed modifications may negatively affect DoD systems and Host Nation Agreements –Suggested reduction in footnote allocations could inhibit new spectrum acquisition –Worldwide harmonization could eliminate region specific frequency allocations DoD Goal: no changes to the Radio Regulations International Opinion: –Europe and the Americas want to modify definitions –Asia-Pacific supports no changes

19 A Combat Support Agency 19 1.4 AM(R)S Establishes regulatory measures to facilitate the introduction of new AM(R)S systems Bands of Interest with DoD Equities: –960-1164 MHz, 5000-5010 MHz, 5010-5030 MHz DoD Impact: –Safety of life applications surpass all others –Several systems and adjacent GPS may be affected DoD Goal: gain additional AM(R)S allocation, while protecting existing systems in adjacent bands International Opinion: Favorable for DoD

20 A Combat Support Agency 20 AI 1.5: ENG Examines worldwide or regional harmonization of spectrum used for Electronic News Gathering (ENG) DoD Impact: –Interference may occur if ENG applications use military operation frequency bands DoD Goal: No changes to the Radio Regulations; resolve the issue prior to WRC-12 International Opinion: –General widespread support for no change –Support for finalizing before the conference –Europe would like to continue studies at a future conference (DoD opposes)

21 A Combat Support Agency AI 1.15 - HF Radars Establish possible new spectrum allocations in the 3- 50 MHz range for oceanographic radars DoD Impact : HF military communication systems may receive harmful interference and degraded communication capability DoD Goals: limit the bands to minimize interference to HF communication systems International Opinion: −Each Region proposed multiple frequency bands for radars; these bands do not contain communications systems in that Region −The magnitude of proposed frequency lists is creating difficulty reaching international consensus 21

22 A Combat Support Agency 22 Examine additional allocations for the Mobile Satellite Service (MSS) in the 4-16 GHz range DoD Impact: conflicts with DoD AI 1.21 radar objectives in the same band (15.4-15.7 GHz) DoD Goals: gain international support for no change to MSS allocations International Opinion: −Support gathering internationally for no change to the Radio Regulations AI 1.25 - MSS

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