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Spanish-American War – N#10 The Americans (Chapter 20) 1. Explain how the de Lome letter and the Maine explosion sent the U.S. to war with Spain. 2. On.

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Presentation on theme: "Spanish-American War – N#10 The Americans (Chapter 20) 1. Explain how the de Lome letter and the Maine explosion sent the U.S. to war with Spain. 2. On."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spanish-American War – N#10 The Americans (Chapter 20) 1. Explain how the de Lome letter and the Maine explosion sent the U.S. to war with Spain. 2. On what 2 fronts was the Spanish-American war fought? 3. Why did African-Americans volunteer for the war? 4. Who were the Rough Riders? 5. What resulted from the Battle of San Juan Hill and the naval battle between Sampson’s and Cervera’s fleets? 6. What were the main terms of the Treaty of Paris of 1898? 7. Why did many American oppose ratification of the Treaty of Paris?

2 Learning Target – We will summarize the events that led the U.S. to enter the Spanish-American War.

3 Definitions Yellow Journalism – publications that exaggerate events to sell their products (newspapers) Joseph Pulitzer – Owner of “The World” newspaper (more fact based) William Randolph Hearst – Owner of “The New York Journal” newspaper (exaggerates the truth)

4 Spanish-American War Pocket # 4 Stations

5 Station 1 America Goes to War Complete in your groups the document based question. After a class discussion there will be a reflection question to answer.

6 Station 1 Reflection Question Answer in paragraph format (restate question but don’t write it) Summarize the reasons the U.S. entered into war with Spain.

7 Spanish-American War Who did we fight? Where did we fight? (2 places) What were the Cubans fighting for? What did we promise the Filipinos?

8 Station 2 Buffalo Soldiers and Rough Riders Complete in your groups the document based question. After a class discussion there will be a reflection question to answer. A Perfect Hailstorm of Bullets Underline quotes you like X = “This is an important fact.” ? = “I have a question. I don’t understand.” ! = “Wow, that is cool. I didn’t know that

9 Station 2 Reflection Question Answer in paragraph in paragraph format (complete sentences) Compare the buffalo soldier to the Rough Rider. Include at least 2 details in no less than 5 sentences.

10 Station 3 Results of the War Complete in your groups the document based question. After a class discussion there will be a reflection question to answer.

11 Many leading writers Conflicting views United States to rule

12 Station 3 Reflection Question Answer in paragraph format (restate question but don’t write it) What did the U.S. gain as a result of the Spanish-American War? How did the U.S. enforce the peace treaty?

13 Station 4 The US Becomes a World Power Complete in your groups the document based question. After a class discussion there will be a reflection question to answer.

14 Station 4 Reflection Question Answer in paragraph format (restate question but don’t write it) Describe the ways in which the American’s imperialistic motivation is portrayed in the cartoons. The U.S. motivation is portrayed in both

15 US. Imperialistic motivation is portrayed in both a negative and positive way. For example in document _____ it is a negative portrayal. You can see this in _____________________________. In document ___ there is a positive portrayal. You can see this when the artist ______ __________________________________.

16 All 4 Together 1. Summarize the reasons the U.S. entered into war with Spain. 2. Compare the buffalo soldier to the Rough Rider. Include at least 2 details in no less than 5 sentences. 3. What did the U.S. gain as a result of the Spanish-American War? How did the U.S. enforce the peace treaty? 4. Describe the ways in which the American’s imperialistic motivation is portrayed in the cartoons.

17 Should the U.S. Annex the Philippines – P# We will identify and explain the arguments for and against Philippine Annexation. Background Essay Questions & Hook Activity (should look familiar) Documents A, B, C, & D

18 Remember you are discovering reasons for and against the Philippine annexation. The questions are designed to help you “pull” those out of the reading.

19 Closing Task Create a tweet expressing your opinion on Philippine Annexation. You must use the following hashtag: #GoldGodGlory

20 Focus – October 27 Explain how the United States was involved in Hawaii from 1870-1914. –Be sure your answer includes why we were involved –You should use complete sentences and paragraphs –20 points

21 Vocabulary Yellow Journalism – A type of sensational reporting, in which writers often exaggerate or even make up stories to attract readers and sell a higher number of newspapers. Platt Amendment – A part of the Cuban Constitution adopted after the Spanish-American War in which the U.S. was given the right to intervene in Cuban affairs and required Cuba to sell/lease land to the U.S. Protectorate – The imperial power allowed the local rulers to stay in control and protected them against rebellion and invasion.

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