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Cavea, Oudna, Tunisia, Amphitheater.

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Presentation on theme: "Cavea, Oudna, Tunisia, Amphitheater."— Presentation transcript:

1 Maeniana: horizontal sections (cross section of seating in the Colosseum)

2 Cavea, Oudna, Tunisia, Amphitheater.
(Podium, ima cavea, media cavea, summa cavea and upper gallery)

3 Cross section of the Colosseum
Podium Media cavea Ima cavea Upper gallery Summa cavea

4 Cavea: seating area (

5 Seating legislation 194 BCE ludi Romani 67 Lex Roscia [Special seating rights in the Forum under the Republic e.g. 184 BCE Maenii granted places on the Basilica Porcia] Augustan legislation: (Mahoney 44) 26 BCE: 1st legislation c.20 BCE: Lex Julia Theatralis

6 Reconstruction of the Basilica Julia showing balconies


8 Emperor Vestals Senators Soldiers with corona civica Equestrians (subdivided) Servi publici Soldiers + Veterans (auxiliaries? Praetorians?) Boys and their pedagogi Plebs (Toga) (Subdivided?) Plebs (Pullati) Women Slaves Peregrini? Disgraced senators + equestrians? Servi privati?

9 Colosseum showing remnants of the marble on the senator’s seats

10 Inscription on block of seats from family that restored them (FABIUS ISSTEIUS)

11  Arrows show the entrances and exits for those who appeared on the floor of the arena; x’s mark where the authorities entered Porta triumphalis Porta libitensis

12 Entranceway to the Colosseum showing numbers

13 System of entrances in the Colosseum

14 J-L Gérome; Christian Martyrs’ Last Prayer (c
J-L Gérome; Christian Martyrs’ Last Prayer (c. 1870): supposedly set in the Circus Maximus, the seating looks more like that of the Colosseum

15 The location of the Vestal Virgins (this is wrong about the location, but who can resist their enthusiasm…)

16 Brass sestertius of Titus (80 BCE) showing the Colosseum with spectators and emperor’s box

17 Reconstruction of the Circus Maximus


19 Pulvinar

20 Pulvinar on marble relief showing emperor with mappa at the Circus Maximus
(Roman, 3rd century CE)

21 Pulvinar on marble relief showing emperor with mappa
(Roman, 3rd century CE)

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