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Objective 04.02 Describe various skills that are necessary for employment in an agricultural mechanics career.

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Presentation on theme: "Objective 04.02 Describe various skills that are necessary for employment in an agricultural mechanics career."— Presentation transcript:

1 Objective 04.02 Describe various skills that are necessary for employment in an agricultural mechanics career.

2 Skills, Personal and Educational Qualifications Skills vary from unskilled to highly skilled depending on the career in agricultural mechanics. A materials handler needs few skills, but an inspector needs many skills to check for quality.

3 Skills, Personal and Educational Qualifications Personal interests and qualifications include: –Working inside or outside or a combination –Working in a group or alone –Working with people or tools –Working at routine tasks or varying tasks –Physical strength to do the job

4 Skills, Personal and Educational Qualifications Education qualifications vary depending on the careers. –High school graduates or less for unskilled entry-level jobs –Technical education for skilled jobs. –Bachelors, masters or doctors degrees for most professional areas such as engineer because of required licenses, paper work, research and/or teaching.

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