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+ Hispanics and the Law in Massachusetts College of the Holy Cross April 10, 2008 Class 11: Latino Attorneys Robert LeRoux Hernandez, Instructor 4/10/08.

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Presentation on theme: "+ Hispanics and the Law in Massachusetts College of the Holy Cross April 10, 2008 Class 11: Latino Attorneys Robert LeRoux Hernandez, Instructor 4/10/08."— Presentation transcript:

1 + Hispanics and the Law in Massachusetts College of the Holy Cross April 10, 2008 Class 11: Latino Attorneys Robert LeRoux Hernandez, Instructor 4/10/08 1

2 + This class: Latino Attorneys Massachusetts Association of Hispanic Attorneys (MAHA) The Demographics of Law Latinos in Law School The Course Brief & Miscellaneous threads 4/10/08 2

3 + Massachusetts Association of Hispanic Attorneys (MAHA) 1985 Founding: Commune or Junta? Issues of Identity Hon. Isaac Borenstein 1992-1994: Los Abogados Minority Bars Majority Bars Court Interpreters Judges campaign 4/10/08 3

4 + Lessons of MAHA Latino identity as an organizational focus Ethnic vs. Professional Identity Potential for alliances Need for organizational continuity 4/10/08 4

5 + The Demographics of Law What are the alternatives? Public Sector Private sector Firms Solos Law-related work 4/10/08 5

6 + Law as an occupation Can Latino Lawyers really make a living? The truth about income The truth about jobs The truth about self- employment 4/10/08 6

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10 + Who are the lawyers? 51,987 lawyers How many Latino Lawyers? 150-200? 400? 0.7% Proportional Representation? 7.9% = 4107 Hidden Latino Lawyers? 4/10/08 10

11 + Funneling Total Latino population High School Graduates College Graduates Law School Graduates Lawyers Judges Law Profs 4/10/08 11

12 + Funneling and Ghettoization Where do Latinos practice law? Identification with the Latino Community Court appointments Who hires Latino Lawyers? The role of image and stereotype-Back to Bender 4/10/08 12

13 + Latinos in Law School- Students Law school enrollments Northeastern: 6.6% BC: 3.3% Suffolk: 2.8% Harvard: 2.7% Organization NLLSA Barriers: LSAT Isolation $ 4/10/08 13 New England School of Law 3.3% Western New England School of Law 4%

14 + Latinos in Law Schools- Professors Presence in the law schools? Recruitment Rates AALS Study (1991-2002): 5.7% Success Rate: 19.7% Highest of any group 4/10/08 14

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