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Attitudes to War Lesson starter: ‘If World War Three happened in my lifetime, I would fight for my country.’ Do you agree with this statement? Provide.

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Presentation on theme: "Attitudes to War Lesson starter: ‘If World War Three happened in my lifetime, I would fight for my country.’ Do you agree with this statement? Provide."— Presentation transcript:

1 Attitudes to War Lesson starter: ‘If World War Three happened in my lifetime, I would fight for my country.’ Do you agree with this statement? Provide reasons for your answer.

2 We are learning to… Explain the terms ‘conscription’ and ‘conscientious objector’ Describe the way conscientous objectors were treated Evaluate whether their treatment was justified

3 Success Criteria… I can match up key terms with their meaning I can give my opinion to a partner on whether I agree with the treatment of conscientious objectors

4 Task One – Background As we know, men rushed to sign up when war broke out in 1914 Many lied about their age to join the army Many joined up in ‘pals battalions’ with family members or workmates Scottish Pals Battalion

5 British Army 1916 Recommended 150,000 Losing lots of soldiers e.g.Somme first day 20,000 dead & 40,000 wounded Receiving fewer volunteers What were the British Army’s solutions? By 1916, it was a different story…

6 MILITARY SERVICE ACT January 1916 Meant that all unmarried men 18-41 HAD to join the army This is called CONSCRIPTION Copy out the boxes below

7 Task Two Why might people refuse to join the Army? Think…Pair…Share Your teacher will give you two minutes to think of possible reasons why people might refuse to join up – write them down. After two minutes, odd numbers will share their ideas to even numbers for one minute Then even numbers will share to odds for one minute Make sure you listen to your shoulder partner’s ideas carefully – any one of you may be asked to share with the class!

8 Task Three What happened to those who refused to fight? Those who objected to fighting in war were called conscientious objectors. They were nicknamed ‘conchies’. Usually they were against war or objected to war for religious reasons. They were supported by an organisation called the No Conscription Fellowship.

9 Recap…match the vocabulary to the definition 1.Conscientious objectors 2.Conscription 3.Conchies 4.No Conscription Fellowship 5.Military Service Act 1916 a)When men 18-41 were made to join the war b)Men who refused to fight in the war c)The law which introduced conscription d)Organisation which supported conscientious objectors e)Nickname for conscientious objectors

10 Task Four Put the following spider diagram title on the middle of a new page How were conscientious objectors treated?

11 Each group member will have an information card You will have a set amount of time each to read the card You will then have a set amount of time to add the information from your card on to your own mind map Then each group member will take turns of presenting the information from their card to the rest of the group Each group member must listen carefully and add the information you hear on to your own mind map By the end, you should have a mind map packed with information on the topic How were conscientious objectors treated?

12 Stand and Deliver the purpose is to ensure everyone in the group understands all information 1.Everybody stands up 2.Once everybody is confident on answering questions on any part of the topic… 3.You all may sit down! 4.IF ONE PERSON ISN’T CONFIDENT, THE GROUP ISN’T READY TO SIT

13 “Conscientious objectors deserved to be treated badly. It was shameful to refuse to fight for your country.’’ Read the statement carefully and copy it into your jotter. Underneath, write your opinion of this statement. You should back it up with evidence. Your teacher will ask you to share your ideas with a partner. Afterwards, you may be asked to discuss your view or that of your partner. There is no right or wrong answer here – only opinion!

14 We are learning to… Explain the terms ‘conscription’ and ‘conscientious objector’ Describe the way conscientous objectors were treated Evaluate whether their treatment was justified

15 Success Criteria… I can match up key terms with their meaning I can give my opinion to a partner on whether I agree with the treatment of conscientious objectors

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