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HPC & DATA MANAGEMENT NEEDS FOR ZIMBABW E by Mr I. Munyaradzi & Mr K. Dandajena.

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Presentation on theme: "HPC & DATA MANAGEMENT NEEDS FOR ZIMBABW E by Mr I. Munyaradzi & Mr K. Dandajena."— Presentation transcript:

1 HPC & DATA MANAGEMENT NEEDS FOR ZIMBABW E by Mr I. Munyaradzi & Mr K. Dandajena

2 PRESENTATION OUTLINE: 1.Introduction 2.Zimbabwe HPC Needs 3.Zimbabwe Data Management Needs 4.Conclusion

3 INTRODUCTION Zimbabwe is in the preliminary stages of developing a National High Performance Computing Centre. A technical committee is working on establishing Zimbabwe's HPC focus areas and needs as well as developing technical specifications of required infrastructure. This process has seen the country develop its priority focus areas for this initiative.

4 High Performance Computing Needs for Zimbabwe

5 HPC NEEDS FOR ZIMBABWE In developing its National HPC Programme Zimbabwe has identified the following areas of need for High Performance Computing: → Life Sciences. → Weather applications. → Mineral Exploration. → Computer-aided Engineering → E-Government.

6 1.LIFE SCIENCE RESEARCH  Human genome mapping, and sequencing to decipher human genetic information, and eventually reach the goal of personalized medicine.  Achieve independent research and development of a variety of new medicines.  E.g. Do research and find the cure to new emerging diseases.

7 2.CLIMATE AND WEATHER RESEARCH. As an agricultural country, agriculture has a very important role in Zimbabwe, and the development of agriculture is inseparable from the accurate weather information and forecast. To forecast the changing weather information accurately, there is need to analyze a lot of weather information and do the complex modeling analysis using HPC.

8 3.MINERAL EXPLORATION Zimbabwe like most Sub Saharan Africa is rich in Minerals. Advances in technology has enabled advanced electromagnetic based mineral exploration. These modern techniques involving complex data analysis requires High Performance Computing

9 4.COMPUTER-AIDED ENGINEERING Advanced complex engineering designs require high processing power for simulation and modelling. The HPC will assist designers and researchers in designing of complex computer aided designs which require very high processing power

10 5.E-GOVERNMENT In order to promote efficiency in service delivery Zimbabwe has started the e-government programme. Some of the e-government solutions will require HPC for simultaneous multi-task processing.


12 DATA MANAGEMENT NEEDS 1.Research Data Unprocessed data. Processing results data. 2.Revenue Collection/Taxation Data 3.E-Government Data. 4.Immigration Data.


14 Zimbabwe is excited about this regional HPC initiative. Ready areas of need are in the area of life sciences were our scientists were already cooperating with other western researchers but samples were being sent overseas for processing due to non availability of HPC facilities.


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