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A to Z Water Words for Me Charlotte October 11, 2011 4 th Grade Discovery.

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2 A to Z Water Words for Me Charlotte October 11, 2011 4 th Grade Discovery

3 A is for Agua Agua is Spanish for water. In Peru the water is blue. It rotates the opposite direction just like a toilet flushing. Agua is Spanish for water. In Peru the water is blue. It rotates the opposite direction just like a toilet flushing.

4 B is for Backed up pumps Backed up pumps mean that the water can’t get through the pipes. Backed up pumps mean that the water can’t get through the pipes.

5 C is for Chemistry Chemistry is used when needing to find out more about water. Water is used in a lot of chemistry. Chemistry is used when needing to find out more about water. Water is used in a lot of chemistry.

6 D is for Dolphins Dolphins are aquatic mammals called cetaceans. They are quite friendly. Dolphins are aquatic mammals called cetaceans. They are quite friendly.

7 E is for Evaporation Evaporation is when water vapor goes up in the sky to form clouds. Evaporation is when water vapor goes up in the sky to form clouds.

8 F is for Fertilizer Fertilizer is used to help water decompose materials. Also it richens the soil. Fertilizer is used to help water decompose materials. Also it richens the soil.

9 G is for Groundwater Groundwater is water that soaks into the ground. Most of our fresh water comes from groundwater. Groundwater is water that soaks into the ground. Most of our fresh water comes from groundwater.

10 H is for H 2 O H 2 O stands for 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atoms that together make one molecule. It is the chemical substance for water. H 2 O stands for 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atoms that together make one molecule. It is the chemical substance for water.

11 I is for Iodine Iodine’s atomic number is 53 electrons on each shell is 2,8,18,18,7. Chemical symbol is I and atomic weight is 126.9044. It is a solid figure like ice. Ice is the solid figure of water. Iodine’s atomic number is 53 electrons on each shell is 2,8,18,18,7. Chemical symbol is I and atomic weight is 126.9044. It is a solid figure like ice. Ice is the solid figure of water.

12 J is for the Jordan River The Jordan River’s mouth is at the Dead Sea. It is located in Jordan in Europe. It is a river. A river is a body of water that flows into a lake or ocean. The Jordan River’s mouth is at the Dead Sea. It is located in Jordan in Europe. It is a river. A river is a body of water that flows into a lake or ocean.

13 K is for Kayak A kayak is a small one person boat. It can go across almost every type of body of water. A kayak is a small one person boat. It can go across almost every type of body of water. It is very fun!!!! It is very fun!!!!

14 L is for Lakes A lake is a large body of water. It is fresh water and completely surrounded by land. The Dead Sea is a lake. A lake is a large body of water. It is fresh water and completely surrounded by land. The Dead Sea is a lake.

15 M is for Molecules A molecule is a element. Like hydrogen and oxygen. Which is what is used to make water. A molecule is a element. Like hydrogen and oxygen. Which is what is used to make water.

16 N is for Neutral Neutral is 7 and in the middle of the PH scale. It is between 6 acidic and 8 alkaline. Neutral is water which is a liquid it can take the shape of what’s holding it. Neutral is 7 and in the middle of the PH scale. It is between 6 acidic and 8 alkaline. Neutral is water which is a liquid it can take the shape of what’s holding it.

17 O is for Oxygen Oxygen’s atomic number is 8. 2 and 6 are its number of electrons. O is its chemical symbol and its atomic weight is 15.9994. It’s 1 oxygen atom in water. Oxygen’s atomic number is 8. 2 and 6 are its number of electrons. O is its chemical symbol and its atomic weight is 15.9994. It’s 1 oxygen atom in water.

18 P is for Periodic Periodic as in Periodic table of elements. It has all the elements known to man. Water can relate to some elements like Hydrogen, Oxygen, and Iodine. Hydrogen and oxygen are what molucles make up water. Periodic as in Periodic table of elements. It has all the elements known to man. Water can relate to some elements like Hydrogen, Oxygen, and Iodine. Hydrogen and oxygen are what molucles make up water.

19 Q is for Quadrant We have four quadrants with 4 oceans. There is a route to get to Atlantic or Pacific ocean on the Strait of Magellan. We have four quadrants with 4 oceans. There is a route to get to Atlantic or Pacific ocean on the Strait of Magellan.

20 R is for River A big stream that flows into a ocean or lake is the definition of a river. A big stream that flows into a ocean or lake is the definition of a river.

21 S is for Semi aquatic Semiaquatic animals are animals that can go on land and water like a platypus. Semiaquatic animals are animals that can go on land and water like a platypus.

22 T is for Terria del Fugo Terria del Fugo is at the tip of South America. Its coordinates are 40 w and 70 0 s. Terria del Fugo is at the tip of South America. Its coordinates are 40 0 w and 70 0 s.

23 U is for Underground Water is underground. As I said before water underground is called groundwater. Water is underground. As I said before water underground is called groundwater.

24 V is for Vikings Vikings built and sailed ships. A famous Viking is Eric the Red. He was first to discover America and Greenland. Vikings built and sailed ships. A famous Viking is Eric the Red. He was first to discover America and Greenland.

25 W is for Water Cycle The water cycle is the recycling of water it happens every day. The water cycle is the recycling of water it happens every day.

26 X is for Exceptional Water is exceptional because some times we have it and sometimes not everyone has it a lot. Water is exceptional because some times we have it and sometimes not everyone has it a lot.

27 Y is for Yachts Yachts are big fancy boats that are very expensive. Yachts are big fancy boats that are very expensive.

28 Z is for Zoo Zoos host many animals. Animals need water to survive. They need to drink fresh water to survive. Fresh water is water without salt. Zoos host many animals. Animals need water to survive. They need to drink fresh water to survive. Fresh water is water without salt.

29 SPECIAL THANKS U First I’d like to thank Ms.Fields First I’d like to thank Ms.Fields Second Hannah Second Hannah Third classmates Third classmates Forth Ms. Cernoch Forth Ms. Cernoch Fifth Ms.Berry for letting us use the computers Fifth Ms.Berry for letting us use the computers

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