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Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research an intergovernmental organization for global change research socio-economic implications international.

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Presentation on theme: "Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research an intergovernmental organization for global change research socio-economic implications international."— Presentation transcript:

1 Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research an intergovernmental organization for global change research socio-economic implications international cooperation open exchange of information to augment the science capacity and guide policy

2 issues: climate change and variability ecosystems, biodiversity, landuse/cover, water resources human dimensions and policy implications risk - exposure - vulnerability regional analyses science - communication - decisions

3 some program goals use conservation biology, ecology, biogeochemistry, remote sensing, sociology, anthropology, policy analysis, agriculture, forestry to develop comprehensive understanding…. understand and predict the behaviour of ecosystems and the displacement of their boundaries under environmental change establish links between biodiversity, ecosystem function ecosystem services characterize patterns and drivers of land use change

4 climate gradients - observations, models, scenarios ecosystems - maps, properties, function landuse - maps, drivers and impacts trends, risks, opportunities the need for links in time and space

5 Beyond GIS: tiling and addressing: ISEA3H cell division with PYXIS ordering and tiling

6 from point data to area data unique handles for area data and information at any scale PYXIS

7 spatially explicit decision support PYXIS

8 from decision support to decision (SENSOR)

9 SENSOR scenario game

10 facilitate the path from data to enduser interface

11 research data models information synthesis knowledge judgment decision action monitoring feed-back

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