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Division of Addiction Services Income and Program Eligibility (DASIE) Pilot November 6, 2009.

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1 Division of Addiction Services Income and Program Eligibility (DASIE) Pilot November 6, 2009

2 DASIE The DASIE is an electronic tool to assess clients for financial and program eligibility to receive publicly-funded funded treatment DAS has implemented a pilot of the DASIE as part of the roll out plan Agencies volunteered to participate in the pilot Pilot participants include a range of agencies with varied geographic locations and modalities of care

3 Why Uniform Eligibility Screening?? 2001- 2005 Average Substance Abuse Treatment Need, Demand and Served –There are 817,151 citizens of New Jersey who are in need of Substance Abuse Treatment –There are 86,866 citizens of New Jersey who would participate in treatment if available (Demand) –53,586 Clients were treated in our system –A treatment gap of 33,280 or 38%

4 Why, cont. We have an obligation to utilize our resources in the most efficient and responsible manner to help meet this demand Uniform program and income eligibility polices and procedures used throughout the system support a level playing field for the providers and equitable access for clients

5 How Was the DASIE Developed? We used the current Medicaid definitions of household size and household income We analyzed Initiative and Program Guidelines to determine program eligibility

6 What Information Is Being Collected? Financial information for pilot analysis purposes –Is the client’s household income above the 350% of FPL income eligibility threshold? –Does the client meet the agency’s income eligibility policy? –Client fees charged, if applicable

7 Client Fee Information at Admission If the client is charged a fee, the information below will be collected at admission for pilot analysis purposes ServiceUnitClient Sliding Fee

8 Client Fee Information at Discharge If the client is charged a fee, the information below will be collected at discharge for pilot analysis purposes ServiceTotal Units Received Total Client Sliding Fees

9 Pilot Timeline Pilot participant agencies were trained on October 14 th Feedback was obtained from the pilot participants and incorporated into the DASIE module design Providers participating in the pilot will start using the DASIE on November 16, 2009 Data will be collected and monitored from November 16, 2009 through January 31, 2010 Data will be analyzed in February 2010 DASIE will continue to be available to pilot participants All clients at all pilot agency sites will be screened with the DASIE

10 Pilot Timeline, cont. All clients will be screened with the DASIE at admission or intake The client’s DASIE should be reviewed when he/she changes levels of care at the agency or the client has a change in household size or income

11 DASIE Pilot Agencies –First Step –John Brooks Recovery Center –Preferred Behavioral Health –Post House –Seashore Addictions Treatment –Spring House –Straight and Narrow –Somerset Treatment Services –Turning Point

12 Reports Pilot agencies will be able to obtain DASIE reports from the system –Federal Poverty Level calculations and Household Size/Income Eligibility by client –Program Eligibility by client –Summary reports of all clients Other reports will be developed for statewide implementation

13 What Next? Pilot Agencies will be invited to a follow up meeting after January 31 to: –Discuss their experience and provide feedback for improvements –Review the data and analysis –Make recommendations on reports to be generated

14 Statewide Implementation When results of pilot have been analyzed and used to improve the DASIE the goal is a state wide implementation for all agencies receiving public funding. DAS will be holding meetings and trainings as that roll out begins.

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