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JEOPARDY The Industrial Global Age Categories 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 Industrial.

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2 JEOPARDY The Industrial Global Age

3 Categories 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 Industrial Revolution More Industrial Revolutions Important People More Revolutions 100 200 300 400 500 Important Events Vocabulary

4 What was Steam? This was the great power source of the early Industrial Revolution.

5 What was Romanticism? These were the artists and writers who rebelled against the ideas of the Enlightenment that everything could be analyzed with reason and logic.

6 What was the Chartist Movement ? This was the name given to the movement in Great Britain which urged universal manhood suffrage, a secret ballot, no property qualifications, annual elections, equal voting districts and pay for members of Parliament.

7 What was the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizens ? This was the French document that was based on the American Declaration of Independence and drawn up by the National Assembly in August of 1789.

8 What was the Greek Revolution? This was the revolution that occurred in 1820, against the Ottoman Empire and where Lord Byron the English poet died.

9 What were textiles ( the making of cloth) ? This was the first business in Great Britain to industrialize.

10 Who was James Watt, along with Matthew Boulton? He was the Scottish engineer who developed the first practical steam engine.

11 What was Liberal? This was the political label given to the people who wanted a limited government, a written constitution, and elected leaders responsible to the voters.

12 What were Conservatives? These citizens supported a monarchy, a social hierarchy where the upper classes were respected by the lower classes, and a strong established church.

13 Daily Double “Don’t Choke!”

14 What was Belgium? This country rebelled against the Protestant Dutch and formed an independent nation that played an important role in WWI and WWII.

15 Who was Louis Pasteur? He developed a vaccine for rabies and a way of killing disease-carrying microbes in milk.

16 What was 1848 ? This is the year called the Year of Revolutions, where Revolutions broke out in almost every country in Europe and the Communist Manifesto was published.

17 W ho was Count Camillo Benso Cavour? He was the cunning Prime Minister of Sardinia who expelled the Austrians from northern Italy and helped unify the country.

18 W hat were Russia, France and Great Britain? These were the three countries that formed the Triple Entente.

19 Who was Karl Marx? This German economist argued that eventually the working class would rise up and overthrow the middle class factory owners or (bourgeoisie), and create a classless society.

20 W ho were Emmeline Pankhurst and her daughters Sylvia and Christabel? These were the leaders of the Women’s Suffrage Movement in Great Britain a mother and her two daughters that at times used violence to gain the right to vote for women.

21 W hat was Revisionism ? ( He ended up being correct) ? ?? ? This was the response of Eduard Bernstein to Marx’s prediction for an inevitable social clash between workers and owners.

22 Who was Charles Darwin? He wrote the book On the Origin of the Species, a book published in 1859 concerning the concept of survival of the fittest. He wrote the book On the Origin of the Species, a book published in 1859 concerning the concept of survival of the fittest.

23 What was mass leisure culture? The was an outcome of the late Industrial Revolution and the growth of cities which created newspapers, music halls, popular theatre, vacation trips and team sports.

24 W ho was Otto von Bismarck? He was nicknamed the Iron Chancellor and he was instrumental in building a unified German state using Blood and Iron.

25 Daily Double “Don’t Choke!”

26 Who was Albert Einstein and the theory of relativity? He proposed the theory that stated that the measurement of matter and energy are not absolute and that Energy equals mass times the speed of light.

27 Who was Sigmund Freud? He stated that the subconscious mind governed much of human behavior.

28 What was proto- industrialization? This was the term given to the preliminary shift away from an agricultural economy to one where workers produce goods at home for an urban market.

29 What was the population revolution? The was the term given to the huge growth of population in western Europe around 1730 where England and Prussia doubled their size.

30 Who was Louis XVI ? He was the Bourbon King who was executed during a radical phase of the French Revolution along with his bride, Marie Antionette.

31 Who was Napoleon Bonaparte? He was the ruler who ended the French Revolution and some said betrayed the Republic by crowning himself Emperor and conquering most of Europe.

32 What was the Congress of Vienna? This was the meeting that took place in Austria organized by Metternich in 1815 in order to restore order and stop the spread of representative government.

33 What was Nationalism? This was the cultural force with origins in western Europe that urged a collective identity based on culture, race, and ethnic origin.

34 What was the Great Reform Bill of 1832? This was passed in 1832 in Great Britain and redistributed seats in the House of Commons and expanded the voting rolls.

35 What was the American Civil War? This conflict over the spread of slavery that lasted from 1861 until 1865, and over 600,000 people lost their lives.

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