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The Magnificent Mind (Part 1) Mind is a Power House Mind can never be your friend Either it will be your obedient servant Or it will a ruthless master.

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Presentation on theme: "The Magnificent Mind (Part 1) Mind is a Power House Mind can never be your friend Either it will be your obedient servant Or it will a ruthless master."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Magnificent Mind (Part 1) Mind is a Power House Mind can never be your friend Either it will be your obedient servant Or it will a ruthless master @TarunBissa

2 The Magnificent Mind (Part 2) Mind vs Brain Brain is the organ of the body which processes our thoughts and creates reasoning, while mind is the consciousness of having a particular thought Brain is gross, Mind is subtle Brain is logical, Mind is intuitive Brain is slow and have limited capacity while Mind is super quick and have infinite power @TarunBissa

3 The Magnificent Mind (Part 3) Mind vs Brain Unlike mind, Brain is always your friend but a lazy friend and gives correct advise Brain is slow in decision making, requires efforts, consume calories, tiring It can program memory to obey an instruction It has limiting capacity (like audible range 20 to 20,000 Hz, visual range max 10-12 frames per second) Brain’s characteristics: Attention, Reasoning, Logic, IQ, statistics It monitor and control thoughts and action suggested by mind @Tarun_Bissa

4 The Magnificent Mind (Part 4) Mind vs Brain Self control and will power is activity related to Brain Ego Depletion : When brain is tired, mind takes the command in decision making so a task requiring self- control can have a hindering effect on a subsequent self-control task, even if the tasks are seemingly unrelated. if you want someone to make fair decision for you talk them when they are fresh and if you want to bluff some one, talk them when they are depleted state. @Tarun_Bissa

5 The Magnificent Mind (Part 5) Mind vs Brain Mind is impulsive, quick and wondering by nature It’s characteristics are impressions, feelings, pain and pleasure, creativity, intuition, assessment It works automatically 24x7 and cant be turned off It never tires, doesn’t consume calories (to be continued) @TarunBissa

6 The Magnificent Mind (Part 6) Mind vs Brain Mind’s capacity in unlimited unlike brain that have limited capacity (audible range, visual range etc) Sometimes mind makes genius decision and most of the time biased decision (weakness of mind) There is no one in the world who is 100% rational. Mind plays imp role in decision making (Emotional Decision Making) -To be continued (Mind and 5 Senses in next slide) @Tarun Bissa

7 The Magnificent Mind (Part 7) Mind and Five Sense Nature of mind is to consume /exploit We have five senses of perception and five senses of action Mind consume the action of senses, without mind these senses are nothing Mind is the boss of these five senses and many people call it sixth sense If you can control your mind you can control ur senses @Tarun_Bissa

8 The Magnificent Mind (Part 8) One of the biggest strength of mind (who r master of mind) or weakness of mind (who r servant of mind) is that it can control internal body functions like breathing, heart rate, metabolism, immunity, temperature, harmony etc. Watch this video: wuOYlxMSY wuOYlxMSY @Tarun_Bissa

9 @TarunBissa

10 The Magnificent Mind (Part 10) How do we make Judgments We keep making judgments consciously or unconsciously all the time (Am I safe ? etc) Mind and brain both play active roles While mind is activated all the time brain interferes where extra efforts are needed Mind’s short term predictions and routine judgments are accurate and swift but mind can’t think statistically so it’s prone to make judgmental errors One of the task of brain is to overcome the impulsive judgment making nature of mind. Brain is in charge of Self Control @Tarun_Bissa

11 The Magnificent Mind (Part 11) How do we make Judgments I want you to make a judgment right now, Look on those two parallel lines and tell what do you see ? Your mind will say right line is longer @TarunBissa This exactly happens many time when we make judgments by mind

12 The Magnificent Mind (Part 12) Common mistakes in Judgment Making Halo Effect : when we pick a single characteristic of a person, product, outcome or process and makes the whole picture in our mind Example: someone who is perceived as attractive, may be more likely to be perceived as kind, trustworthy, rich or intelligent. Explanation: Uncontrolled mind that dwell on object of senses automatically retrieve the fav impressions from subconscious mind to generate favorable emotions @TarunBissa

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