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Demographics – Hope Lutheran High School, Winona Kurt Fuhr, Vice President, LCEF Sept. 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Demographics – Hope Lutheran High School, Winona Kurt Fuhr, Vice President, LCEF Sept. 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Demographics – Hope Lutheran High School, Winona Kurt Fuhr, Vice President, LCEF Sept. 2015

2 Minnesota South District You Are Here

3 Demographics…Who?…How?... LCEF uses Mission Insite, a national vendor of demographic data and services Mission Insite uses: City, county, state and government records Census data, housing information Experian records Credit card receipts, and any other public information… This data is continually compiled and updated for accuracy

4 Demographics…What?... A service provided to congregations by LCEF Not the answers, but information about your congregation and community that includes: Age and ethnic distributions Income levels and population projections Demographic “people group” profiles Ministry Clues for outreach

5 Are We Missing Whole Generations in the LCMS? Are We Missing Whole Generations in the LCMS?  In the past thirty years, we have declined by almost 500,000 baptized members.  Only fifty percent of the children baptized in LCMS congregations are confirmed in LCMS congregations.  Only half of those confirmed are active at age twenty-one.  Congregations of our church body in the LCMS are closing every week. President Emeritus Kieschnick Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod

6 Winona – Custom Boundary

7 Age Observations (Custom Boundary) 2015 population in the custom boundary = 33,039 Skewed to younger age groups…college influence: Children…ages 0-21 (34%) Kids 0-4 = 5%, Kids 5-13 = 7%, Kids 14-21 = 22% Gen Y / Gen. X…ages 22-44 (31%) Gen Y/Young X’ers 22-34 = 22%, Gen X’ers 35-44 = 9% Baby Boomers…ages 45-64 (21%) Younger 45-54 = 10%, Older 55-64 = 11% Seniors…ages 65+ (14%) Younger 65-74 = 7%, Older 75+ = 7% Median Age = 29 years…U.S. = 36…MN = 37

8 Age Observations (custom boundary)

9 Age Observations (0-21 ages)

10 Income Observations (custom boundary) 2015 population in the custom boundary = 33,039 > $75,000 household income = 26% $100,000+ household incomes = 14% $75,000 - $99,999 household incomes = 12% >$35,000 - $74,999 household income = 32% $50,000 - $74,999 household incomes = 18% $35,000 - $49,999 household incomes = 14% < $35,000 household incomes = 42% $25,000 - $34,999 household incomes = 11% $15,000 - $24,999 household incomes = 13% < $15,000 household income = 18% Custom Boundary median household income = $43,203 18% lower than U.S. household median income of $52,500 28% lower than MN household median income of $60,210 51% are 2 worker families (49% in MN)

11 Income Observations (custom boundary)

12 2020 Pop. Growth (custom boundary) 2015 population in the custom boundary = 33,039 +.9% increase in the 5 mile radius to 2020 U.S. population growth average of 5.1% Custom Boundary population figures: 2000 population of 32,087 2010 population of 32,738 (+2% since 2000) 2015 estimated of 33,039 (+.9% since 2010) 2020 projected to 33,065 (+.08% from 2015) 1 of 3 are un-churched in the MN South District +10,900 who don’t know Christ within custom boundary!

13 Demographic Profile – Custom Boundary  2015 population in the custom boundary = 33,039  38% married couples (52% in U.S.)…48% never married  29% have Bachelor or Graduate degrees (28% in U.S., and 32% in MN)  Kids…Nursery through High School: 3,942 total  Nurs./Preschool…7% (292)K-8…61% (2,414)HS…32% (1,236)  68% of households are 1-2 persons…24% are 3-4 people  92% White (34% Germ., 13% Scand.), 2.7% Asian (32% Hmong, 20% Chinese), 1.8% Hispanic (70% Mexican), 1.7% Black  13,390 housing units… 63% 1 unit det., 16% 3-19 unit, 8% 20-50 unit, 5% 2 un.  63% owner occupied homes… 37% renters  38% of housing built < 1939, 24% from 1960-79, 21% from 1980  30% are executive, professional, and manager jobs  27% are technical, sales, and service positions  43% are production, transportation, farming and laborer jobs  78% commute (drive) alone… 10% walked  84% < 20 min. commute

14 Mosaic Segments  Overall data is the big picture…  Mosaic Segments, the “people groups” are the detailed drill down  Total of 71 demographics segments

15 Mosaic Groups and Segments “Family Tree”

16 Demographic Segments in the Custom Boundary  Groups and Segments are “A” through “S”, in descending order based on affluence  Top 5 Segments in the custom boundary…  51% of the households: J36 “Settled and Sensible”=19%2,434 hh’s M45 “Diapers and Debit Cards”= 9%1,084 hh’s O53 “Colleges and Cafes”= 8%1,079 hh’s Q64 “Town Elders”= 8% 987 hh’s N64 “True Grit Americans”= 7% 862 hh’s

17 Demographic Segments in the Custom Boundary SegmentDescriptionAgesChildrenEducationWorkIncome J36 – Settled and Sensible Older, middle-class and empty nesting couples and singles in city neighborhoods 50-75Empty Nest High SchoolBlue Collar or Retired $35,000 - $75,000 M45 – Diapers and Credit Cards Young working class families and single parent households living in small established city residences 20-35Yes, younger kids Some CollegeBlue Collar, to Sales/Svcs. $35,000 - $75,000 O53 – Colleges and CafesYoung singles and recent college graduates living in college communities 20-35Few, some single moms College + Graduate Degree Sales/Svcs. to White Collar $20,000 - $35,000 Q64 – Town EldersStable minimalist seniors living in older residences and living sedentary lifestyles 65+Empty Nest High SchoolRetired$15,000 - $35,000 N46 – True Grit Americans Older middle-class households in town and country communities located in the nation’s midsection 50-65Empty Nest Some CollegeBlue Collar or Retired $25,000 - $50,000

18 M45 – Diapers and Credit Cards – Profile Young working-class families and single parent households living in small established city residences

19 M45 – Diapers and Credit Cards – Profile Young working-class families and single parent households living in small established city residences

20 M45 – Diapers and Credit Cards – Profile Young working-class families and single parent households living in small established city residences

21 M45 – Diapers and Credit Cards – Profile Young working-class families and single parent households living in small established city residences

22 Discussion Thoughts and Next Steps  34% of the population are ages 0-21  65% of the population are under age 44  Younger population is of course skewed by presence of the colleges

23 Next Steps for High School  41 enrolled in 2014/2015  Numbers for 2015/2016 and beyond…  Building and location plans…

24 It’s About Jesus Though I am free and belong to no man, I make myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible…I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some. I Corinthians 9: 19, 22b

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