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Impact of the Civil Rights Movement Statistics on the Changes.

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1 Impact of the Civil Rights Movement Statistics on the Changes

2 % of College Graduates from Various Groups % of whites in 1960? African-Americans in 1960? Difference? % of whites in 1994? African-Americans in 1994? Difference? Does the data show progress? Why or why not? Which 20 year period shows the greatest change for women? % of Latinos in 1976? 1990? 1994? Progress? Asian Americans in 1994? Why no data before 1994?

3 In the 1960s, most minority groups were still fighting for the rights to equal standing in society. Earning an equal education in the public schools was a challenge, and earning a college degree was even more of an achievement.

4 Media Household Income Did A-A median income increase or decrease 1967 -1994? By how much? Is this progress? Did white median income increase or decrease 1967-1994? What is the difference btwn white and A-A income in 67? 94? What changes are seen for the other groups?

5 When Johnson started his war on poverty in the 1960s, he hoped it would help to solve the race gap as well. Unfortunately, as the decades passed, white Americans pulled up above the poverty line, while those in minority groups still struggle for a solid standard of living.

6 Unemployment Which ethnic group had the lowest unemployment rates? Which had the highest unemployment? Is there any progress between 1960 and 1995? What about Latino unemployment? What else should be considered when viewing Latino unemployment rates? 1980 was a year in recession. What group suffered the most? Why? Why is the Asian rate so moderate compared to others?

7 In the past few years, with the U.S. economy falling into recession, many have been forced into unemployment. While minorities suffered with unemployment in the past decades, the new victim seems to be young adults, even those with recent college degrees and hopes for the American dream.

8 Children in Poverty What % of A-A children were in poverty in 1960? 1996? Was there any significant progress for this group? What is the difference between whites and blacks in poverty in 1960? 1996? Any significant progress? Which two groups have the highest percentages of poverty? Which two have the lowest? Why do you think this is so?

9 While the child poverty rates and the groups affected has changed over the decades, the reality is that there are still far too many children in America living in poverty. The effects of poverty are long lasting and many, leaving these children struggling for survival in a nation otherwise blessed with plenty.

10 White Attitudes about Racial Equality What % of whites supported school integration in 1950? 1980? What % of whites opposed segregated transportation in 1950? What % of whites in 1970 were in favor of integrated neighborhoods? In 1990? Why do some categories show more opposition than others?

11 With attitudes ever changing in America about race and minority differences, we are moving in the right direction. Sadly, though, there is still hatred and discrimination in America, and it does appear to be continuing into the next generation.

12 Political Representation in Congress What % of Congress was white in 1953-1955? 1997-1999? What % were A-A in 1953-1955? 1997-1999? Progress? What percentages are seen for Latinos & Asians? Significant? What % were women in 1973-1975? 1997-1999? Progress?

13 In recent years, the minority make-up of the American political system has begun to change. More women, African-Americans, Hispanics, and other minorities have been elected to positions, including the historic election of President Barrack Obama.

14 U.S. Population in 1998 Considering the population breakdown in the U.S. and what you see in your daily life about equal opportunities and representation, do you think American can say it has progressed since the Civil Rights Movements of the 50s-70s?

15 America Then and Now. What do you see for the future?

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