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Rock, Rocks!.

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Presentation on theme: "Rock, Rocks!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rock, Rocks!

2 Mr. Nowlin's Topics NEXT

3 Igneous Rocks NEXT

4 Metamorphic Rocks NEXT

5 Sedimentary Rocks NEXT

6 Coral Reefs NEXT

7 Extra Special Information NEXT

8 Big Board Facts Igneous Rock 5 10 15 20 25 Metamorphic Rock 5 10 15 20 25 Sedimentary Rock 5 10 15 20 25 Coral Reefs 5 10 15 20 25 E.S.I 5 10 15 20 25 Team Scores Team One Team Three Team Five Big Points Question Team Two Team Four Team Six

9 Igneous rock that formed from lava that erupted onto Earth’s surface is called…………….
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10 Extrusive rock Back to Board

11 Igneous rock that cools very quickly when it forms may have a texture that is _________ .
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12 Smooth & shiny with no visible grain
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13 Which igneous rock has large crystals surrounded by smaller crystals?
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14 porphyry Back to Board

15 An igneous rock that is formed from lava is called an _____________
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16 extrusive Back to Board

17 Igneous rock that formed beneath the Earth’s surface are _______________
rocks. Show Answer

18 intrusive Back to Board

19 Heat and pressure deep beneath Earth’s surface can change any rock into………
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20 Metamorphic rock Back to Board

21 Geologists classify metamorphic rock according to …….
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22 the arrangement of the grains that make up the rock
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23 Where does most metamorphic rock form?
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24 Deep underground Back to Board

25 During the rock cycle, a collision between two continental plates could force one plate down toward the heat of the mantle, producing ……. Show Answer

26 Metamorphic rock Back to Board

27 What are the two most useful metamorphic rocks?
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28 Marble and slate Back to Board

29 The sedimentary rock formed when water deposits tiny particles of clay in very thin, flat layers is called ________. Show Answer

30 shale Back to Board

31 The small particles of rock or the remains of living things that make up sedimentary rock are called _______. Show Answer

32 sediment Back to Board

33 The sedimentary rock called _________ is used in making cement.
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34 limestone Back to Board

35 Coal is an example of an ______ rock, a sedimentary rock that forms where thick layers of plant and animal remains are deposited. Show Answer

36 organic Back to Board

37 Chemical reactions, _______, & heat can cause sedimentary rocks change into metamorphic rocks.
Show Answer

38 pressure. Back to Board

39 The skeletons of tiny ocean animals grown together to form _____ ______, which are structures that are found only in warm, clear ocean waters. Show Answer

40 Coral Reefs Back to Board

41 A coral reef is made of __________, a mineral that forms the skeletons of coral animals.
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42 calcite Back to Board

43 What forms the structure called a coral reef?
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44 Skeletons of coral animals
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45 What happens to a coral reef if the sea level rises or if the sea floor sinks?
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46 It dies. Back to Board

47 Over time, coral buried by sediments can turn into ______.
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48 limestone Back to Board

49 When all the grains in a rock are large and easy to see, the rock is described as ______ grained.
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50 coarse Back to Board

51 To describe a rock’s texture, geologists determine three things about the rock.
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52 Pattern of the rock’s grain
Size Shape Pattern of the rock’s grain Back to Board

53 The process by which sediment settles out of water or wind carrying it is called _______.
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54 deposition Back to Board

55 A series of processes on Earth’s surface and in the crust and mantle that slowly changes rocks from one kind to another is called __________. Show Answer

56 The rock cycle Back to Board

57 Generally, a rock is made up of ____________ .
Show Answer

58 A mixture of mineral and other materials.
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59 The "Big Points" Question Show Question

60 What does “foliated” mean?
25 10 9 11 12 14 13 8 7 3 2 4 5 15 6 1 17 26 24 27 28 30 29 16 23 18 22 19 20 21 What does “foliated” mean? Show Answer

61 composed of or separable into layers
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62 Big Board Facts © 2010 Jeff Ertzberger All rights reserved.
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