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Nigeria, January 2010 Petra Vergeer Health Specialist, RBF Team.

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1 Nigeria, January 2010 Petra Vergeer Health Specialist, RBF Team

2  “Transfer of money or material goods conditional on taking a measurable health related action or achieving a predetermined performance target.” - Eichler and Levine  An increasingly common approach in Africa to improving performance, particularly in HF’s  HF’s are provided payments based on the amount of services they actually deliver

3 Rwanda Health Center RBF/ Performance-Based Financing (PBF) 1. Supply Side Intervention 2. Demand-side phenomena 3. Targeting Health Facilities that are made more autonomous 4. Regular, significant incentives reach front line health workers 5. District Support Functions incentivized (monitoring volume and quality: internal controls) 6. District PBF Steering Committee incentivized 7. Central MOH PBF-support department incentivized G. Fritsche-Real World Implementation Challenges: Scaling up Performance-Based Financing in Rwanda 2006-2008 Presented at Interagency Working Group on Results Based Financing, 23 Nov 09 Oslo Meeting

4 How to motivate health workers to improve performance? Pharmacy, Phoebe Hospital Liberia, February 2009

5 An Example of RBF ServiceNumber Provided Unit Price Amount Earned Fully Immunized Child100$5$500 HF Delivery20$10$200 Out-patient Visit <51,000$0.5$500 TOTAL$1,200 Quality Correction60%$720

6  70% ($504) split among staff: ◦ Physician ◦ Nurses ◦ Cleaner  30% ($216) goes for inputs into facility ◦ Drugs ◦ Stationary ◦ Minor repairs ◦ Demand side incentives

7  A reduced version of a health facility assessment  Objectively assesses a variety of indicators to come up with total score.  Takes about 2-3 hours to complete  A copy of results left in the health facility, easy to track progress  QSC is both a management intervention and tool for M&E

8 Example of a Quantitative Supervisory Checklist Date of Visit 5/127/1 9 8/1 1 10/21 Availability of Drugs (0-15)57912 Presence of staff (0-10)78810 HMIS implementation (0-10)6778 TB Records and Follow-up (0- 15) 8101113 EPI inputs & plans(0-20)12 15 Quality of care in OPDs (0-20)8101415 Quality of Deliveries (0-10)3468 TOTAL SCORE (out of 100)49567081 Supervisor’s signature HF in-charge signature

9  Performance framework (purchase contract) - defining rules of the game of PBF  Focus on public health and preventative services through FFS conditional on quality  Regular, significant incentives for improved performance to reach health worker  Autonomy to manage for results ( i.e. use funds, resource allocation)  Health mgt committee (incl. community) to oversee transparent use of funds

10 The Hourglass Paradigm® Inputs: the salaries, equipment, consumables such as FP products also number of clients presenting to health facility (demand) The ‘neck’: or ‘bottleneck’; human resources (quantity, quality, motivation –intrinsic and extrinsic-, working hours, opening hours, etc) The outputs: services delivered; quantity and quality

11  Performance contract focusing on support tasks (i.e. health system issues & PBF implementation) ->  Regular, significant incentives for results  Transparent governance set up to verify performance – i.e. district level PBF steering committees (with local govt and quorum of CSOs)  Regular verification of performance (quantity and quality) at HF level, linked to incentives  Intense, dedicated TA coordinated to implement PBF (i.e. TOT) and improve HFs performance ( i.e. identify non-performers for support, business plans, etc.)


13  PBF Policy commitment (i.e. PBF payments, into HF bank accounts, autonomy, decentralization, promote results based management approach)  Sufficient budget to pay significant incentives and additional TA  Availability of inputs i.e. sufficient drugs/ supplies ( or can purchase at appropriate quality & price)  MIS system able to capture and feedback data efficiently (preferably web-based)  PBF implementation unit with dedicated TA (i.e. for IT support, MIS training, TA coordination)  Donor coordination (leverage TA, buy in, sustainability)

14 Management Information System- Data entry is easy

15 Quarterly district invoices

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