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Formadora: Elena Iborra. Initial expectations to the participants Learn to identify emotions / needs of the people I work with to be able to interact.

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Presentation on theme: "Formadora: Elena Iborra. Initial expectations to the participants Learn to identify emotions / needs of the people I work with to be able to interact."— Presentation transcript:

1 Formadora: Elena Iborra

2 Initial expectations to the participants Learn to identify emotions / needs of the people I work with to be able to interact in a more constructive form Respect and allow the emotions of others Get to know vocabulary to identify emotions Be aware of my body Work assertiveness Dynamics by users so they can work on emotions Better understand my emotions in order to help others / how they affect relationships. Identify what emotion I am and what are they Find appropriate channels to explore emotions Make me friend of my emotions Take more confidence in myself and in others Controlling anger before flowing exaggeratedly Amaze me Tools Help for people Learn to become aware of their own body to know to work with users Tools and dynamics to convey to others how they manage emotions Learning to modulate my emotions and detect them by the actions Networking

3 After the course, the participants said…

4 The strengths of the workshop: The ability to work is emotional context sensitive issues. Work from the body has made concepts is clearer. The dynamic ability of the teacher to stimulate, contain lead, redirect, know-how... Lots clarity of expression. Rhythms, a variety of activities, dynamics, humor, fun and very entertaining... Practice has encouraged the active participation of all. The experiential practice, good environment group, I have gained new knowledge. The share of the group together and trust. Personal and professional experiences.

5 The areas for improvement workshop: Weather (has failed) / I would have liked deeper / wider I. Shorter sessions (3 hours) / sessions and shorter days, 4 hours I find excessive. The space in the classroom. Group too large for some dynamic work. More theoretical content. I would have liked to know more dynamic pear made with users. The intensity of the first two days of content. More practical exhibitions - rollplayings. Diversify / open a little more content.

6 How and what extent your personal expectations been met? There were too specific, but have been met and have opened new perspectives. What I managed to recognize my emotions in the professional field, learn how to transform them, to have tools. Have fulfilled all expectations / Well / have completed 90% / fairly high / have met exponentially / In a high / Fully Have accomplished very personal level. A professional would have liked more dynamic work for users. Changed what I expected to find, but I was even more pleased !!! To have now completed the personal, the professional but I have not started. Learn techniques to practice in certain situations and then make them extended to partners and users. I have experienced managing my emotions, but I have very dynamic to apply it.

7 Other comments or issues that include: Need a second part. Thank you for the opportunity to participate in the course. The workshop I liked the theme and the emotions I found it fascinating. The involvement of all the group. Awesome !! Rolls-playing spirit. Good atmosphere created and the degree of trust that has been together Thank you !!

8 After the course the facilitator said…

9 Conclusions A corporal and experiential approach to emotional learning achieves better results in terms of creating spaces for meaningful learning from self-exploration and experimentation, using the concepts: learning by doing or hands-on learning. In any part of the course I used the Alba Emoting method that allows us physically contact our emotions from the body but consider another method that considers the human being from all 3 levels: physical, emotional and cognitive, may be valid. Professionals and volunteers from the network need and ask this emotional training support to develop their work and maintain a healthy psychological balance. This course has easily helped establish some networking and mutual support. This topic is very interesting because it allows to extend the learning and practice opportunities beyond the course.

10 It was very easy to work with these participants because they were highly motivated in their work to care for people, had many practical expereiencias to contribute. They have been very interested and grateful with this European program and are willing to later follow One of the strengths of this course, I think, We have incorporated a follow up meeting 3 weeks later the course,as a means of follow up participants meet to share their experiences of putting into practice some of the tools learnt on the course in their daily lives as a way to motivate the commitment and awareness to look after the emotional aspect of their lives and specifically in the work environment. Another of the successes of this course is that we have been very attentive at all times to the specific needs of participants, beyond the schedule set. In general, participants require specific techniques to use with users but I think from my method and philosophy, first we need to work with our emotions. We can’t accompany others in their emotions otherwise. We need how to sustaining strong emotional states often suffer from our users. How can we recognize and support people with a situation of loss or sadness if I dont know to be in silence, listening and not always distract them or encourage them directly. However were offered a practical document on emotional labor techniques for teachers. Regarding some participants asked a second part, it might be interesting to consider the possibility of a second part of dynamic users to work with emotions.

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