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Lewis And Clark Presentation Edward Yom C Block. Information I needed to learn What is the geography there? What is famous there? Are the people there.

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Presentation on theme: "Lewis And Clark Presentation Edward Yom C Block. Information I needed to learn What is the geography there? What is famous there? Are the people there."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lewis And Clark Presentation Edward Yom C Block

2 Information I needed to learn What is the geography there? What is famous there? Are the people there kind? How long will I stay there? Is the place a forest or a desert, or civilized? Is there anyone living there?

3 Will there be buildings? What presents should I bring? What language do the people speak there? How will I get there? How will I come back? What kind of people would I take as a crew? Information I needed to learn

4 What religion do people there believe? Is there any slaves there? How is the country's leader chosen Is there a leader? Was it affected in any form of war? What supplies do I need to bring? How many of each supply do I need?

5 How I acquired my information The possible resources will be the books in the library and check maps. I would have to read books about it because it will tell me their tradition and that can help me. I would be able to know what kind of foods they don't eat if they don't and maybe their religion. The most important information I can get from the book will be what language they speak. WIth the map, I will be able to locate about where the country is and mark it more exactly. I can also ask people who have been in Valletta already and try to get help from them. The people their will know what kind of technology they don't have or are interested in. The people can also give me advice about how I go there and what will be some of the things I must do there. I can also check documentaries on Malta, Valletta for any other additional information. Another good way to get information is by asking the Embassy. They Embassy will know lots of information on the land. They will probably know some of the weather changes, or important things I might need to know about that country that is recent.

6 Supplies Needed Rice Kryspys, Twinkies (1000) The sport foot ball (300 foot balls) Converse and Niki shoes (200) Abecrombie shirts small medium large and X-Large (700) BB guns (10) Corn seeds (5000) An antique pipe (1) Old coins (3)

7 Supplies Needed X-Box 360 (3) I-pod. (50) Cold medicine (2) Head Ache medicine. (2) Bandage (1) Pesticide (1) Constipation Medicine (1) Diarrhea Medicine (1)

8 Supplies Needed Sleeping pill (1) No-doze (1) Nova-cane (1) Anastasia (1) Umbrella. (1) Sunglasses (1) Extra pair of glasses. (1) Pocket knife. (2)

9 Supplies Needed First aid kit. (1) Caps (3) Maps (1) Dictionary (1) Watch (2) Cell Phone (1) I Pods (50) Eye drop (3) Shirts and pants and socks. (7)

10 Where to acquire the supplies needed. I can get the food and toys like rice kryspys, twinkies, corn, BB Guns, clothes, and all of the medicine, socks, cell phone, i pods, watches, dictionary, first aid kit, pocket knives, maps, caps, umbrella, socks, sunglasses, Bandage, X- Box 360 from Costco. I will buy one antique pipe on e-bay and 3 old coins on

11 Gifts Needed For Expedition Ipods Foot balls Antique pipe Old coins Shirts

12 Gifts Needed For Expedition Rise Kryspies and Twinkies. X-Box 360 Corn seeds BB guns Shoes

13 Estimated Expenses 500(1000) + 5000(300) + 12000(200) + 20000(700) + 10000(10)+ 3000(5000)+ 70000 + 50000+ 300000(3) + 120000(50) + 100000+ 5000 = 500000 + 2400000 + 14000000 + 100000 + 15000000 + 120000 + 900000 + 6000000 + 100000 + 5000 = 39125000 $ 39,125,000

14 Thank You

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